Aug 16, 2005 23:00
My last entry was pointless, but the more days that pass the more days I reflect upon myself and say, "Was it worth it?" School isnt so bad, I walk at a slower pace and it makes you wonder why all the hurry. Five minutes is so much time to get across school and everyone freaks out about it. Im so hung up on Kaylynn its almost pathetic, but I love her as a friend more and more day by day. Stephanie Holmstrom is a killer booster buddy, I call her all three sports no recall. I grow a little more confused, a little smarter every single day. I think Im liking the simple things, because I am becoming a simple person, or I wish to be. Im working on me alot, just because I have the time. I wouldnt mind a body to hold onto, but I have a promise to keep.
6-2 win.