May 12, 2008 19:41
I am in Winchester. A group of nine people managed to clean the house/pack up things/take care of a runaway dog/deal with my family/deal with me over the weekend and I managed to pawn food off on Eric and Liese which I probably would have thrown away because I had little room in my car. Mary seemed happy with the house. Hung out in Emory for hopefully not the last weekend and said my goodbyes to the people there. Sunday was a fury of cleaning and packing. Saying goodbye. Picking up and driving Jason to the airport for Brazil (!!) and finally driving home.
It happened so quickly, I feel like I didn't have a chance to properly say goodbye, but when I think about it...I'd rather not have anything too drawn out. My car ride back home was between fits of complete exhaustion and a few tears for the goodbyes, but I've gotten pretty good at 1) saying goodbye 2) keeping in touch and 3) not getting too bent out of shaping about leaving areas. I also know the next few weeks are going to be crazy. Thursday I have an interview/school visit to Baltimore. Saturday is my sister's birthday and wedding dress shopping. Sunday is the Post scavenger hunt in D.C. that my sister and I signed up for. Tuesday contains two interviews in Rockingham County, and Wednesday is an interview in Warren County.
When I eventually can rest, I'll need to attend a baby shower for Kaytee and plan a baby shower. I will need to make a decision about a job and find a place to live. I will need to make lesson plans early for classes at the YDC and start teaching. I contemplated getting a second job, but the idea seems rather impossible at the moment. I think I'm going to take my father up on being his secretary for his business and biting the work-for-my-dad-bullet to earn some extra moneies.
So I am well. And I am looking forward to getting settled back into the routine of life with my family until I am once again a person with a job that includes benefits.
I am still thinking about buying a moped/vespa this summer so that I won't be paying insane gas prices all the time.
I think that's it.