VP debate and embarrassing crushes

Oct 03, 2008 09:47

This is going to sound a little retarded, but I absolutely adore Bonnie Hunt. I was flipping around this morning and happened to alight on her television show and was reminded how great she is. Everything she does is solid gold. I think I first fell in love with her in Cheaper by the Dozen, and since then I've wanted to marry someone just like her (maybe younger).

So I watched the VP debate at an event in Greenville sponsored by the Young Republicans, and man! you could be forgiven for thinking it was the Super Bowl. People cheered and booed and even called Biden a dumb@$$ at one point. Overall, I would say it was a good night for Palin. Her weaker answers included her ones on anthropogenic climate change (She said she wasn't convinced man was the cause of climate variability, but strongly stated the need for man's efforts to reverse it. Her syntax was also a little muddled during this question. She might have done better to speak about pollution and clean air rather than reversing global warming.) and her repeated criticisms of Wall Street and Predatory Lenders (she did have the temerity to mention the responsibility of individuals to live within their means, but this seemed like the thing she said with more reluctance) . She mentioned Fannie Mae, but could have done far more to hang the current financial crisis around the necks of democrats and their policies aimed at giving unwise loans to risky borrowers. Her stronger moments were ones of personality as much as policy. Her effectiveness in raising doubts about Obama's tax plans is hard to gage. Most of the discussion was alot of, 'that's not true!' and cutting the numbers different ways to show the plans in the best or worst light. I guess we won't know until next tax day or maybe the one after that. She did a good job of describing Obama's weakest policy positions (refusal to fund the troops) and accentuating the weakness by referring to Biden's disagreement with Obama on the issue. She invoked Reagan, the conservative's perennial knight in shining armor, several times to good effect, but her very strongest punches were her colloquial shots at Biden, especially when she said, "Oh Joe, say it ain't so," and went on to accuse him of looking backward rather than moving forward. The jab seemed to stick.

The thing that worries me most happened at Bible study this morning. One man mentioned how he was concerned about her performance during the debate. He said that his friend's response had been that, "Biden was running circles around her." Both of these men are conservatives. I worry that the MSM's narrative is taking root in the mind of liberals and conservatives. Her early rough patches may be magnified in our minds especially if we think the average performance of Biden could be considered running circles around anything other than his own tail.

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