New Attitude

May 29, 2008 00:28

So I attended a conference over Memorial Day weekend in Lexington, Kentucky called New Attitude, and I am again amazed by the goodness of the Lord in responding to my requests in prayer and providing for things unasked for but sorely needed. I had a couple of things in mind when I went and was reminded of a couple of things that I maybe wasn't expecting.

Spiritual refreshment was one of the things I went expecting, and though God spoke to that request, it was not in ways that I expected. I'm not done thinking about this one yet, and so there's not much to write on that point tonight. I had hoped for uninterrupted, unimpeded joy overflowing in praise and fueling attentiveness in the sermons. What I got was wrestling with my doubts and being encouraged and established in my conclusions. It's been a hard year filled with difficult questions, so it was good to share with earnest brothers and sisters and hear them say that my decision was the right decision under the circumstances and be reminded that these doubts have little power over me when I fix my eyes on the cross of Christ Jesus. My confidence is not in my ability to discern and make the right call, but in the finished work of Christ and His power to keep me to the end.

Vision was another thing I went asking for, and the Lord responded again. The sponsors of this conference are a family of churches (read: denomination) that are particularly good a celebrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have a zeal for orthodox teaching and understanding extending to much of the laity. In talking with the one other attendee from my church, we agreed that it would would be wonderful to see this celebratory emphasis brought home. It is further my hope that both this attitude of celebration and the zeal for orthodoxy could be brought to Clemson University, my alma mater and the focus of much of the ministry of our church, Clemson Presbyterian. I am praying about this, asking that the Lord would clarify and provide opportunities for us to offer this not only to our church or sponsored campus ministries, but as many of each as minister to the believers of Clemson University.

One last point: it was refreshing and, I have to confess, a little chastening to spend time with the brothers and sisters of Sovereign Grace ministries. If I am honest, I have to admit that my family and friends can be a little too critical and a little to glib in talking about the convictions and practices of some. Sovereign Grace has been no exception, with my tongue often being the sharpest of all. This weekend, I was reminded of the overflow of charity amongst these brothers and sisters springing from a steadfast anchoring to the cross of Jesus Christ. I envy (hopefully in a righteous way) their (ultimately) unshakable joy.

The theme of the conference was the Word of God, but, while the preaching was excellent, this seemed to be the backdrop for other works the Lord was doing in my life. I did not leave "supercharged", but that's o.k.. I left with a clearer sense and understanding of the Lord's work in my life and several new friends. I pray that work as significant was done in the lives of many others. If any one reads this, I would encourage to visit and begin to consider coming with me next year. Until then, may the grace of our Lord Jesus keep those who call upon Him.
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