The Da Vinci Code

May 03, 2006 14:15

This post is the response I wrote to an online posting that can be found here.

A friend asked what I thought about this, so here goes: I can honestly say that the Da Vinci Code fills me with rage in a way that few things do. Much of my life, I had very little concept of blasphemy, beyond the idea of taking the Lord's Name in vain. The word was always associated with movie stereotypes of religious fanatics persecuting a more sympathetic character for questioning the accepted wisdom. Heavens know that I would never want to be seen as that kind of person. It's funny how words like that become a little embarrassing to respectable folk. However, as I have grown older, I begin to see that there really is such a thing as blasphemy, that people's words about the Lord especially have significance and will be weiged, and that though these things can be said with a wink and a smile as is the case with South Park or Family Guy or to set the stage for a fast-paced thriller such as DVC, there will come a day when the Lord of Heaven and Earth will call all men to account and pour out wrath in answer to all those who devalue His Name or impugn his character. I know it may sound a little like fanaticism to make that point, but there it is. I do not say more than what the Word says. Concerning DVC, I am particularly irked by the tagline for the movie: "Seek the truth." People will say it's only fiction (including Dan Brown), but there are always those who take it seriously, and what's worse, those who don't believe it to be true but wish that it was. We live in a world that is opposed to God and His Son, Jesus Christ, and, for some, this story is very appealing. Every preview I've seen has left me feeling a little sick and with a desire to run up and punch the movie screen.

Now, all this being said, do I believe that we must mobilize the church to denounce, boycott and otherwise harass Sony, Ron Howard and Dan Brown? No, I don't think so. I do not see a calling in the Scripture to demand that the world (and I mean the world as described by Paul in Ephesians 2 and likens its course to the course of the Enemy) conform to standards of Biblical righteousness. Do not think that this is relativism speaking. The fact remains that there will be judgement for their actions. However, I think the New Testament (and the Old as well when I really think about it) repeatedly express the firm conviction that those who are not the people of God will continue in unrighteousness, including blasphemy, until the Lord brings them to repentance or brings His judgement on them. Trying to change their actions directly will meet with the same success as all the failed attempts to legislate morality for a fallen world. We would do better to preach the Gospel than to demand that sinners behave like saints.

I would and have encouraged believers not to see this movie or read the book, on the basis that follower of Christ should not support or entertain things that are so offensive to Him. What's more, lies are powerful things, and it seems foolish to believe that we are without chinks in our armor. Why give the Enemy an opportunity? However, for those brothers and sisters who disagree, I do not debate with them overly long or think them wicked. Each must give accounting to his own Master and I will leave it at that.

As for opportunities to preach the gospel arising from this, it is hard to say one way or the other. I am almost certain that in some places conversations will begin with the discussion of this film and lead to a presentation of the Gospel that in turn leads to repentance and faith for some who hear. However, I see this happening most amongst believers who would preach the Gospel anyway.

I must conclude with the fact that I am only familiar with the premise of the story and not many of the details. Off the top of my head, I probably couldn't construct a Biblical argument with references about why this story is so offensive other than to say it just isn't there anywhere. However, it seems that those with the Spirit of Christ know by their new nature that this is an offense and respond with the appropriate revulsion. As for me, I will not lose sleep over the Da Vinci Code in the end. Instead, I will try to make the most of every opportunity because the days are evil and rest secure that the Lord will see to the honor of His Name.
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