Jun 08, 2009 22:27
I can't go to sleep because I'm thinking about her. The disgusting, dreadful, and unpleasant truth to this is that I know that she is probably off somewhere getting drunk and having fun---and not thinking about me. It makes me sad, but at the same time I knew I was bound to have a moment like this come along eventually. It's karma. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I'm sure I did something wrong. Sometimes the mind is a horrible thing, especially when you are alone, because there is no one to share all of your thoughts with and no one to tell you everything is going to be alright....everything just keeps bouncing around up there and the only outlet is to write. Ah, how I hate this feeling. Probably one of the worst positions I've been put in and I know what I HAVE to do, but I'm not sure if it's what I WANT to do. At least I have a new beginning to look forward to and some good friends that will be there to share it with me. Ha I could go on and on with this one, but I think i'll leave it on a good note. I'm glad I decided to write on this star lit night.