Help Wanted! In search of more Gengar animation cels posts/images!

Dec 28, 2019 15:57

Hello everyone! In light of all the recent gengar animation cels that have emerged from the shadows (hehe) recently I want to know if there are more Gengar animation cel collectors out there other than myself? OR if anyone can dig up an images or photos of original gengar animation cels (that aren't ones I have posted) it would be greatly appreciated!! If I cannot own the cel I still at least love seeing all of the artist notes and everything else that comes along with a cel, douga and genga to produce what we see on screen! Sadly my search so far has lead me to only find gengar animation cels I have posted but there HAS to be more out there. If you own one personally please add me as friend or post pics please :D! Thanks ya'll, happy collecting!
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