Icon meme

Nov 26, 2008 09:45

Icon meme from chinook_wind

Reply to this post and I will pick six of your icons.

Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.

This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

Just a heads up, I probably won't be able to choose pictures for those who respond until next Monday, after the holiday weekend. But reply away and keep the meme going!

Beaker! Its a great "Holy Crap!" icon. I use it to show suprise or awe.

Sgt. Rieben shooting his BAR from Saving Private Ryan. Just a shooty type of icon. No particulay meaning behind it.

Green Lantern. The Kyle Rayner version. I may be one of the few who like the look of this uniform, and liked the change from the Hal Jordan GL. I use the icon to talk about comic book stuff, or geeky stuff in general.

Calvin and Hobbes hiking. I love Calvin and Hobbes. I have the hardcover complete collection. I use this icon for adventure. Exporation. The pure joy of just heading out into the unknown and going somewhere you've never gone before.

General U.S. Grant. The one Union general who knew what it took to beat R.E. Lee. He never could tactically until the very end, but he knew what needed to be done strategically. I use it for bullheaded stubborness or straightforwardness.

General Sherman. A name you still can't use in polite society here in Georgia. I use it for ruthlessness or "what the hell were you thinking" occasions.
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