This time I think I do owe you an apology. I should have put a "ha-ha" behind "real cute". I meant to & forgot. I promise you I was attempting to joke around. Lack of sleep = failed attempt. I knew you were teasing. The term 'fake intelligence' got me, though, because the SIL from H always acts like she's the smartest person since Albert Einstein. If she were smart, she'd stay the heck out of our lives (yeah, she's a troublemaker, liar - the type who can't stand for anyone to be happy).
I'm really sorry if you thought that I had misinterpretted (sp.?). It's my fault for not making my comments a little clearer. My bad. Would you believe that I just figured out that all of these strange letters & figures are making faces? Now that makes me feel like a dork. How could I have missed that? I figured it out earlier this week after it's been messing with me for a few months. Next time something perplexes me, I'm asking you. I will swallow my pride & ask. I had to laugh at myself. (I still do.) Anyway, I'm really sorry that I made you think you had upset me or anything. I know that you would never do/say anything to hurt me & I hope that you know that I would never do that to you. I care too much & that's not how I treat people I care about. I do sincerely apologize for my oversight which resulted in this.
BTW, haven't tried Kosher salt. I think a hole of about 6' would do a better job. ;) Darn, it's not legal!
I'm glad it was just a misunderstanding. And I know the perils of being overly tired.
I've been on the net for 12 years now. But I do remember the troubles I had starting out, and I do still run into things I don't understand. Don't feel bad about not understanding. Everyone had to start somewhere.
I think the hole is perfectly legal, it's the putting people in it that gets you into trouble. ;)
It couldn't go unnoticed. Everyone's lives would be too peaceful & their phones wouldn't be ringing off the hooks. I guess daydreaming will have to do.
Things don't always work as they should. But it's kinda to be expected right now, considering how much maintainance LJ servers are undergoing. Generally, though, on a computer, a red "x" means cancel/delete/abort.
4t l34st j00 d0nt run int0 t00 much l33tsp34k, I h0pe.
I can't believe I actually did that. Best of luck decoding, and know that I'll think better of you if you can't, though no less of you if you can. And if someone uses that nonsense on you, you can simply call them "b4k4^2"
I'm really sorry if you thought that I had misinterpretted (sp.?). It's my fault for not making my comments a little clearer. My bad. Would you believe that I just figured out that all of these strange letters & figures are making faces? Now that makes me feel like a dork. How could I have missed that? I figured it out earlier this week after it's been messing with me for a few months. Next time something perplexes me, I'm asking you. I will swallow my pride & ask. I had to laugh at myself. (I still do.) Anyway, I'm really sorry that I made you think you had upset me or anything. I know that you would never do/say anything to hurt me & I hope that you know that I would never do that to you. I care too much & that's not how I treat people I care about. I do sincerely apologize for my oversight which resulted in this.
BTW, haven't tried Kosher salt. I think a hole of about 6' would do a better job. ;) Darn, it's not legal!
*Much love & hugs*
I've been on the net for 12 years now. But I do remember the troubles I had starting out, and I do still run into things I don't understand. Don't feel bad about not understanding. Everyone had to start somewhere.
I think the hole is perfectly legal, it's the putting people in it that gets you into trouble. ;)
I could dig the hole. Putting SIL in would require too much physical labor. One can always dream...;)
So, I'm an airhead today! I'll enjoy it while it lasts!
I can't believe I actually did that. Best of luck decoding, and know that I'll think better of you if you can't, though no less of you if you can. And if someone uses that nonsense on you, you can simply call them "b4k4^2"
To translate: "At least you don't run into too much leet-speak, I hope."
Although that was really bad leet-speak because it has capitals and punctuation.
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