Friday Fun

Feb 11, 2005 11:07

From Friday Forum:

1. Do you become bored easily? What do you usually do to entertain
yourself when you're bored, restless, lonely, etc.? When's the last
time that you felt extremely bored or didn't know what you wanted to
do? What did you end up doing?
Yes, I do become bored easily. I think it's because I can rarely leave the house. When I'm bored, I try to find something new to do. Often this involves unpacking or reorganizing my craft supplies. Both worthy endeavors. Sometimes, if there's food, I'll cook. It won't be so bad when we finish unpacking and find all our videos and games and such.
The last time I felt extremely bored and didn't know what I wanted to do was Wednesday. What I ended up doing isn't suitable for polite company ;)

2. Imagine that you have a cozy, quiet, rainy day all to yourself at
home. You *have* to spend the ENTIRE day at home, and you can do
whatever you want. What would you choose to do, and why? (Or would
you go stir crazy?)
It wouldn't be different from most of the rest of my live. I wouldn't go crazy, I'd just do as I usually do. I'd read, chat with people online, refresh my friends list like a mad woman...

3. Do you enjoy having "me time," or do you prefer to hang out with
others? Why? How often do you spend time by yourself? Would you
typically rather have a quiet evening to yourself or a night out with
friends/family? Do you often have the urge to just "go somewhere" for
the sake of going somewhere?
I like a balance of "me time" and socializing. Unfortunately, I don't really have any friends who live in the area, so I rarely talk in person to anyone who isn't either my fiance or a member of my family. I need quiet evenings for my health, but I wish I could go out more often. I often have the urge to go somewhere for the heck of it, but rarely have the energy.

4. Have you ever gone to a movie theater by yourself? How about
dining out by yourself? Have you ever traveled solo? What was it
like? What activities, if any, do you enjoy doing *by yourself* as
opposed to with others?
Yes, I've gone to movies and out to eat by myself. I've traveled alone, but met someone at the end. It was fine, books are my friends. And it was nice to have time to people-watch. The only things I like doing alone (as opposed to with my sweetie) are reading, because it's hard to share books, and art/craft things.

5. Do you usually prefer to accomplish a project by yourself, or
would you rather work in a group? Why? Do you ever have trouble
delegating assignments to others, thinking that you'd rather do a
task yourself and get it done the way you'd like?
I prefer to work alone, because too many "group projects" in school ended up meaning I did everything anyway. I do have a hard time trusting other people to do things. See above.

Wow, that one was depressing...let's try something else.

From fridayfiver:
1. What is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?
Moved halfway across the country to be with me.

2. Who was your first love?
I'd rather not think about him.

3. Chocolates, flowers, or something else?
A nice steak dinner at home, with French Silk pie for dessert.

4. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Absolutely. It's not necessarily the best love match a girl, or guy, can make however.

5. What do you have planned for this Valentine's Day?
It's a secret from you-know-who.

From Friday's Feast:
Appetizer - What do you want for Valentine's Day?
A quiet evening at home with good food, music...

Soup - If you could change the color of something you own, what would it be and which color would you make it?
The front and garage doors of the condo. I hate the shade of blue they have to be. I'd rather they were a nice warm color. Chocolate, maybe, or a dusty gold.

Salad - What's your favorite day of the week and why?
Every day I get to wake up next to my sweetie.

Main Course - What excuse do you use most often?
"Hey, I'm handicapped. Lemme 'lone damnit." Usually when someone makes a comment about how slow I walk/get out of their way/get out of the car/frequently I whimper in pain.

Dessert - Name something or someone you feel sorry for.
Republicans. They're so misguided.
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