I want to make something. I want to make the collage for
6x6_collage. I know exactly what it'll be too. The theme is "beginnings" so I found a bunch of quotes about beginnings, and I'm going to make the collage so that it can be cut apart into 6 bookmarks.
Let's see: I can't find my cardstock. I don't think I have any white left anyway. I don't know where my modge podge and sealer are, or if they're even good anymore. I need ink for my printer. I need a paintbrush for the modge podge--foam, I think.
I think my old bottle of modge podge is near empty anyway so I'll just buy another while I'm out...and some white card stock and a sealer for over the modge podge that's nice and shiny. I found some ribbon and I know where more is. I have the paper cutter from dad. I have bookmark tassels, I have tools. I have tissue paper, but need more soon.
So I've a few places to go:
Michael's (modge podge, sealer, cardstock, brush)
Grocery store (drinks, fresh fruit and veggies, cheese)
Dollar store (fake flowers to dismantle)
I'm just not sure if I dare go into CostCo today. I love shopping there, but it's tiring and gets so expensive...
I'd like to go to that fun scrapbooking store I saw when we were driving around one night...I wish I remembered where it is. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
I need to get moving now if I'm going to go out and do anything.