Echoes Through Eternity (Part 2)

May 25, 2011 20:30

“Who are you?” Myka whispered her eyes widening as she looked back and forth from the woman to the empty machine.

The warehouse was now spinning. Maybe I’m spinning… I mean I’m clearly delirious or maybe I didn’t wake up…I passed out and this is clearly a dream. Myka was reeling, deeply confused about the stranger she was holding onto for dear life.

“Where is he?” Myka gasped as her lungs were desperate for air.

“Darling, I know this is well -” the woman spoke calmly.

“Where…who…?” Myka said through gritted teeth.

The questions were swirling around in Myka’s brain like thick fog. Myka had started to speak before she knew which question to ask, causing her to abruptly stop.

“I am just as confused as you are, I assure you” Helena whispered.

The woman shifted Myka now and slowly lowered her down onto the computer chair, her fingers grazing the sides of Myka’s hips as they left her side. Myka sighed almost as if she had missed the protective arms that had been keeping her steady. Myka sat back taking in the woman through narrowed eyes, not taking her eyes off her. She slowly slid her hands across to her holster, her eyes widened when her hand grasped at the empty leather pouch.

“What have you done with my…gun?” Myka screeched, her dizzy state preventing her from launching herself forward and grabbing the woman.

“You are going to make yourself ill Myka, if you continue” the woman chided. “And we both know it is no ordinary gun” she added, referring to the tesla.

“How do you know my name?” Myka said through gritted teeth.

“I have your badge as well” the woman stated simply.

“Well aren’t you just the MASTER thief, first you steal H.G.Wells…THE H.G.Wells and now-“ Myka bellowed but was abruptly interupted.

“I did not steal H.G.Wells, Myka, I am H.G.Wells.” She stated simply before adding “But you may call me Helena”.

Myka snorted before breaking into hysterical fits of laughter.

“Would you care to tell me what is so funny” Helena drawled.

“You…mean…to tell…me” Myka gasped through her laughter “that….you…are H.G.Wells…author extraordinaire.”

“Well I certainly didn’t go around calling myself author extraordinaire, I like to think myself a somewhat humble person” Helena mused.

Myka stopped laughing at this point, noting the complete seriousness in the woman’s tone.

“You’re not kidding.” Myka said with a completely deadpan expression.

“My dear, although I was fond of playing many tricks in my youth, I assure you I have outgrown it…mostly.” Helena replied, a small smirk growing on her face.

“I must be under the spell of some sort of artefact that CLEARLY you are using to trick me!” Myka bellowed.

“I do beg your pardon, I am in no such possession, I will have you know! I resent the accusation” Helena said crossly, folding her arms.

“And why should I believe you?” Myka said, nostrils flaring and eyes narrowed.

“You may search me if you would like to darling.” Helena proposed, one eyebrow raised and a slight twinkle in her eye.

Myka blushed and remained silent.

“Well, what will it be?” Helena questioned, noticing the flush that had spread over Myka.

“Fine, I will search you” Myka said curtly striding towards her.

Why does she have to be this beautiful? And speak with the most beautiful accent? Figures the only women I come across are evil.

She knelt, starting at Helena’s ankles patting up and down her leg, hesitating once she reached the top of her thigh. She could feel a lump forming in her throat causing her to swallow…loudly. She could feel Helena’s eyes burning upon her but she refused to look at her. She then stood, so now she was looking down on Helena who still proceeded to stare at her. She noticed her tesla was wedged snugly into Helena’s trousers.

If I can get the tesla then maybe I can get the upper hand here.

Almost as if she knew what Myka was thinking, Helena snaked a possessive hand around the tesla.

Myka looked down and glared at her. Helena just looked at her with look of complete innocence. Myka continued her search up Helena’s stomach, feeling the soft shirt beneath her fingers. Myka felt awkward, letting her hands roam up and down this woman’s body but part of her wished she didn’t have to stop.

Snap out of it Myka. She may be beautiful but it is a trick. All part of her trick. She just wants you to trust her so she can escape.

“I’m not going to hurt you Myka” Helena spoke softly.

Myka shuddered as she drew her fingers across Helena’s strong biceps. Touching this woman made her feel lightheaded and confused, Myka needed to stop this search. With one last touch, Myka quickly drew her hands down Helena’s arms, their fingers touching as Myka broke contact.

Contact was not broken for long as Helena quickly grasped Myka’s hands, holding them tightly in her own.

“What…? Let go!” Myka shrieked, trying to pull her hands free of Helena’s strong grip.

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