Jul 11, 2005 06:07
It was odd to come out of hiding and actually go to a Masonic event. I headed down to Conclave yesterday to watch JB retire. As always, it was good to run into old faces and see how much some people have changed and how most just stayed the same. I wish I went to more events through-out the year, but i'm starting to think it's better if I just leave well enough alone. I think the sad part is...I don't even know if I am going to take my Majority in November. I don't even know what the next event is that I will attend. Maybe if The Dirty Jew is awarded his Chev, but other then that nothing is pressed into memory. However, when you lose contact with people you don't hear who's getting what and so alot of things you wish you got the chance to attend just pass by. I know that I could get a solid 3 months out of Rainbow before my Majority, but after being gone for over a year and a half it just wouldn't be right.
Who knows, maybe once I get my computer up and running in Worcester I will start being on AIM more. Or I will take a laptop to work so I can have AIM and talk with people then. I don't know. It's hard keeping track of people when you work 120 hours in a week, almost every other week. Even my best friendships have suffered because all I do is work and sleep. I don't even know how I can carry a relationship with my workload.I might be moving up in the company into a business position. Details on that are still too shady to discuss yet. All I know is that starting salary of $45-60 thousand a year isn't bad for a 20 year old. Plus, I would get to wear Express all day and that would just make me too happy. Yet as happy as I would be to get that job, I would have very little to no patient contact and that is the opposite of what I want. I guess I need to find a happy medium between making the big bucks and doing what I really love to do.