Title: The Favored - The Kings Concubine Chapter 1/?
Pairing: Heechul/Hankyung
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, Angst, Romance
Warning: Nothing to heavy in this one.
Disclaimer: Not real. Story is mine, not the boys
Summary: Heechul is the kings favorite concubine. Hankyung is the kings favorite assassin. Loving each other means death.
Author’s Note: Use of prompt 015-Lick-Heechul/Hankyung from SJ 100 Fic Challenge.
Gently he ran his fingertips over his lovers face. He feared sometimes if he didn’t do this when he could his lover would be taken from him and he’d forget everything. It was a fear he carried with himself every second of the day. Running his thumb over his lovers’ lips he smiled. His lover was a very soft spoken man, so at odds with his occupation.
Looking up he jumped to find Hankyungs eyes open.
“Heechul what are you doing?”
“Memorizing you.”
“After five years, you still need to do this?”
“Yes, now shut up so I can finish.”
“You can finish this instead.” Hankyung said pressing his hips against his so he could feel his arousal.
Heechul grinned and started to kiss him when he heard feet scuttle by. Servants were waking up which meant their time was over. He wanted to scream. Five years of stolen looks, accidental touches, rushed kisses and the few precious hours they’d find was never enough when it was over.
Heechul pulled away, standing to dress. Hankyung reluctantly followed. The weight of the coming day was starting to make itself known on his shoulders. He started for the door when his lover grabbed him.
“One more kiss.”
The kiss went on longer than he’d meant to allow. When he finally managed to pull back he could see the words Hankyung was waiting to say on his lips.
“No. Do not say it.”
“Five years. Why not?”
“I could never be who I am supposed to be if I hear those words from you. When you do finally say it, it will be as a free man I hear it.”
Hankyung nodded his head in understanding.
Heechul kept his head high as he made his way down to the rooms his kind were kept in. No one dared approach him, not even the guards, despite the curiosity on their faces. It was a crime punishable by death to touch the kings’ favorite toy without permission. Reaching his private room he was not surprised to find his friends waiting for him. Like him, they all had their place in the kingdom, each considered a favorite.
Heechul belonged to the king, had since he was sixteen and his parents sold him. Yesung belonged to the kings’ advisors, at least those who enjoyed the male flesh. Yesung never told them how old he’d been when he’d first been used. Sungmin had been sold to the palace when he’d been eight. He was thought so beautiful he’d been turned into a eunuch in hopes of keeping that beauty. He belonged primary to the prince. Kyuhyun was the newest. Brought to the castle the year before at fourteen, he was to be for their kingdoms honored guests.
There were those in the palace whose jobs it was to entertain the soldiers and average guest. But they were the favored ones for different reasons. Being favored was good but it had its draw backs. It didn’t matter though, these three were his family. The time he spent with him made him feel safe, and let him forget for just a moment what he was.
“That assassin is going to get you killed.” Yesung gripped when he saw him.
“Shut up.”
“He is right. The kings’ favorite concubine with the kings’ favorite assassin. You’ll both be ripped to pieces.” Sungmin said.
“Haven’t yet and it’s been years.”
An arm slipped around his waist. Kyuhyun never said much but enjoyed touching the others he considered his brothers. Only those in this room. It hurt Heechuls heart at the thought of what this innocent went through. He was not worried his brothers would betray them. They all kept secrets well, even from each other.
“Leave it. What will come, will come.”
Three weeks later in their common room, Heechul smiled at Sungmin as he hummed. He never sang unless ordered.
“What are you so happy for?”
“Hmm? Nothing. Why do you ask?”
“You were humming. You only sing for yourself when you are happy. It is rare.”
“It is. Something you’d like to share with us?” Yesung spoke with from where he was sitting beside Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun simply smiled at Sungmin.
“Of course not, hyung. Silly of you to ask.”
Heechul and Yesung exchanged looks. They never called each other by those terms.
“Kyuhyun, why don’t you come sit by me and sing along? You have a beautiful voice as well.”
Kyuhyun blushed but stood to sit beside Sungmin as requested. Heechul sat flabbergasted. Something was definitely was going on with him. But if he didn’t want to tell them, they wouldn’t force him.
“Yesung! In my bed? In my room?”
The pretty servant made a cute noise from under Yesung and clambered off the bed, was dressed and out the door in under two minutes. Yesung was smiling widely at him.
“I’m sorry. No one would dare enter your room without permission. It was the safest place. Beside your one to talk. I should get one pleasure out of this hell hole.”
“Wasn’t that the cook, Ryeowook?”
“Adorable isn’t he?”