Note: LJ currently doesn't have a way for me to Date Out of Order this entry so it sticks at the top and I am apparently very picky about sidebars (enough to not get one), soooo I am just going to post this and then link to it from the userinfo and the information box at the top of the layout.
Book One
Chapter One: The Meeting Chapter Two: The Bubble Palace Chapter Three: The Dinner Chapter Four: The Friends Chapter Five: The Knight Chapter Six: The End Book Two
Chapter One: The Problem Chapter Two: The Delegates Chapter Three: The Carnival Miscellaneous Artwork
Ink doodle of Frank, Gerard, and the starfish, and a watercolor picture of Frank and the starfish. Pen doodle of Frank, Gerard, and some very earnest leeches. Tub Cuddles! Frank/Gerard, watercolor. Thank you artwork for clayeer. Lineart and color for Book One's front cover. Thank you artwork for keraha. Frank/Gerard artwork for the third place
ysosrsbandom winner
Lyn-Z of the Lionfish. Brendon! Fast motion drawing of Gerard and Frank!
Icons by
carniliaBook One, Chapters Five and Six icons by
turloughishere Icons from all of Book One by
lucentvictrola 10 icons from Book Two, Chapter One by
turloughishere Book Two, Chapter Three icons by
mcee Icons by
spuzz Fanart
Frank and Gerard under the sea by
clayeer. (SFW)
Brian/Bob gruff luv by
clayeer. (SFW)
Frank/Gerard which way is up OH GOD by
reflectedeve. (SFW)
maybe the sea by
stereomer. Panic gen.
Sculpey Frank, Gerard, and starfish (with a cameo by Brian) by
codenamepancake Plushies! by
poseys_demise Lol omg tattooooo by
cheshire_cat94 If you've made anything (especially icons, I have totally misplaced all of the links to icon posts) and I missed it and you would like me to include them in this sticky post, please just comment here with the link. Thanks, guys!