And they kept mentioning spoons...

Oct 01, 2010 01:35

I'm still alive. Ya know, for those of you wondering. Here, have a meme.

Muse List
Years roleplaying: Over 10 now...
Least favorite character?: Hm, can't say I have one. Maybe Lilina, I really just didn't click with her. What was I thinking?
Favorite character?: Surprising as it might be? bananaplease . I just don't think he'd work in a big multifandom game... too obscure.
Male or female characters?: Males, totally. I have a hand full of female muses and I enjoy playing them, but guys just ping mem ore.
Oldest character played: On LJRP, that would be vampy_neclord . Altogether, it would be... 'Mursame', who is Masamune's evil twin. Shut up.
Newest character?: onebluebamf

Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: cantfunkthat - But only as an extreme sport with bungee jumping.
Get drunk and pass out?: moonlightoutlaw
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?: lastzebesian - He totally did it in Elegante too. That was some crazy SAW shit there...
Be far too hyper for their own good?: fleeting_feet - Well, he's a speedster. Comes with the territory.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: markofthewise
Get lung cancer?: highwind_vii
Star in a horror movie?: lastzebesian - See above
Star in a video game?: the_purple_wind - ... this is actually true of him IN UNIVERSE.
Make the world a better place?: greenlongjohns - Well he IS a superhero.
Have a torrid gay love affair?: tintobrat - But only with Chris!

Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love: uwerethechosen1
Hate: eyebrowsonfire
Money: the_purple_wind
Seduction: roundillokick
Lies: moonlightoutlaw
Tragedy: nomeresidekick
Manipulation: gerudoking
Violence: dakingofawesome
Politics: doctor_caulder
Fire: eyebrowsonfire
Ice: markofthewise

Would you ever...
Play a prostitute?: Maybe, but I wouldn't play them for that reason.
Play a musician?: Sure.
Play a pilot?: Already have.
Play a homosexual?: Probably not. At most, maybe someone who is bi. It's just not for me.
Play a pedophile?: Nope.
Play a politician?: Did it, done it.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut?: Nope.
Play a character who commits incest?: Nope.

In other new, Dragon Age has taken over my life. I'm on my third consecutive playthrough. Someone stop me.

meme, dragon age

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