Jun 03, 2005 09:45
Seriously, I've noticed my daily schedule works like this, aside from all the stuff I have to do... I do some site-work (which recently is getting stuff back up lost in the server mvoe), I play Metroid Prime 2 until I get the next item - sometimes I go crazy and go for the second itme. Then I program my site backend until I reach some sort of accomplishment. Tben I plug in one of my DVD seasons sets and watch a few episodes. The bad thing is, of course, is that these are all temporary...
My site-work will never end, but Metroid Prime is almost done. And my (site) backend draws ever closer to cdompletion. And I only have two unwatched shows left on my DVDs. I guess once all this runs out, I'll have to make friends...
Or buy a new game. Yeah, that's a better alternative.