wrote this in notepad and dont feel like fixing it

Oct 22, 2009 13:50

Let's talk a little about philosophy today. I believe, as Heidiger did, that we need to ditch

philosphy for thinking. because if you believe that philosophy is a search for meaning, you

are limiting yourself to an institutionalized view of thinking. and thinking is a trancendental

unifier. even an identifier of god. but lets not tangent.

the human condition is a finite situation.
Defined by cornell West as:

we are beings toward death. we are featherless, two legged, linguistically concious

creatures. Born between urine and feces, and whose body will one day be the cullinary

delight of terrestrial worms. That's us. we're beings toward death.

at the same time we have desire.why we are organisms in space and time, so its desire in

the face of death.

then you've got dogmatism: various attempts to hold on to certainty. Various forms of


and you've got dialouge in the face of domatism

then of course, structural and institutional, you have domination. and you have democracy,

you have attempts of people trying to render accountable:Elites, kings, queens, souserans,

corporate elites, politicians. trying to make these elites accountable to everyday people.

so philosophy itself becomes a critical disposition of wrestling with desire in the face of

death, wrestling with dialogue in the face of dogmatism, and wrestling with democracy

(trying to keep alive very fragile democratic experiments) in the face and structures of

domination (imperial power, state power, patriarchy, white supremacy) all those

concentrated forms of power that are not accountable to people, who are affected by it.

Philosophy has a spoken element, but is, for the most part, written. So, knowing that, I have

to ask, Is philosophy a pursuit of meaning? what do we gain from the past? I beleive that

philosophy is a way to better understand ourselves. Whether we take a certain point of view,

or whether we just constantly float around and dabble in different ideologies, philosophy is

taking the thoughts and actions from people of the past and applying them to our lives in an

effort to better understand ourselves.

now onto...brotherly love I guess. or love in general.

I dont subscribe to the theory that a person needs to be like me in order to be loved. we

need an ocean of global citizenship.

as people, we have a virtual relationship with everyone else around us. Sure we can

manage relationships with family, sister brother, mother , cousins, and friends. Thats what

we are made for, micro-management. though we realize we are small in the sceme of the

cosmos, we believe that our lives have meaning because we create meaning in them. we

believe that this world has been a better place with us in it, like there has been less pain and

sufferinng because we were in it, like we really made a difference. but now we need to

extend this relationship management with everyone else around us. Indeed everyone else

in the world. The question is: Can we figure out how to do this? Sure we can find love for

another person, but does it have to be on our own terms? we love everybody, but we want

them to be like us. Religion is a perfect expample of this. Speaking on Love, I would like to

say that love is accepting all the ugliness and fault in something (woman, earth, ourselves).

when I think of love, I think of a woman. when I am really in love, life gets way too real.

everything is almost surreal in its intensity, and sometimes it gets too real

I was also thinking about things like ecology, in terms of the ethics of it. Like, we know the

planet is degrading, yet when we step outside, we still see pretty trees, smell clean air. It's

like we arent even equipped to deal with the concept of global warming. Out of sight out of

mind. Or when we throw something away, we forget about it. but trash doesnt go away! So

we know the ethical and right thing to do, but we dont do the right thing. Why? I really dont

know and I dont claim to.


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