Jun 12, 2006 23:56
I am really making an effort to not go a month without updating. I have plenty of time, especially since I never do my readings for class anyways.
My poor roommate, Julie, is not as fortunate. She is currently ensconced in Livy's Early History of Rome which, to my understanding, reads much like an LFO song lyric -- painfully.
Me: Hey Julie! Julie... JulieJulieJulieJulieJu--
Julie: You are going to stop talking. You are going to stop talking right now before I throw you out the window.
Me: Right, sorry. It's just that I was thinking about halloween and--
Julie: WINDOW!
Me: Quite right, yes. Well, I am going back to my crosswords and Junior Mints and haberdashery.
Julie: You are going to hand me three Junior Mints and then you are going to stop speaking until tomorrow morning.
I think I shall sleep. Because you know, busy day tomorrow. Lots of subjunctive tenses and preceding pronoun participle agreements and the like.