Today was Auntie Cristy's funeral viewing, I cried a bit. I held myself back cuz I had the strength to do so. I thought I was over the whole death thing, but I guess not. Arceya had fun at the chapel. She made a new friend I'm a bit sad and depressed, but I'll get over it. I left my cellphone at home, so all the calls I received I didn't get them till I came home....that's like right now. The actual funeral will be held Monday morning, but I'll be there a bit late since Arceya has an appointment 30 minutes before the funeral starts. Hopefully tomorrow I'll go to Seafood City and buy some microwavable soups...hehe. I guess for now that's all I have for everyone, so goodbye!
Pic of the DAY:
From Loveless PV
Yamapi alone in the taxi, so sad
I wonder why he's wearing black in a dark
The only two things that caught my eye in this pic is his head and the lights behind him. :D
- Sugi-chan (-_^).v