Wednesday night...Arceya and I went to eat at Cheesecake Factory for Ariz's birthday. It was fun even though Arceya was being a pain in the butt. Christian was our ride there and back home. Our waiter was okay looking...hehehe. At dinner, I talked about Ashita no Joe with Chrisitan. I told Christian that Ashita no Joe might be released here in the USA. And he told me that he watched the trailer ans that he wants to watch it too. I said that I didn't want the movie dubbed cuz it'll ruin everything. Joie joined in on the conversation. OH YEAH! Here's my conversation with Jayar:
me - "it's going to rain Japan."
jayar - "Your poor..."
me - "Poor? Poor who?"
jayar - "Your japanese boy."
me - "Yamapi! Oh he's not in Tokyo. He's in Korea right now."
[ariz overhears]
ariz - "you talking about Yamapi?"
me - [smiles] "Yep!"
That conversation made me feel like I was Yamapi's girlfriend or something...hahaha. Anyways, I shared food with Christian and Joie. Arceya got free banana slices and chocolate bread from our waiter. Really fun!! That night I wore a red tank top, leather jacket, dark blue jeans, and my black ankle boots...hehehehe. Took pictures with Kailani...YAY!! I haven't seen her since Christmas. Fun Fun Night.
DAY 3: 10 Things You Hate
Heights. I will cry as if it would be the last thing I do. I would also hold on to something for dear life...hehehe.
Crowds. I hate tall crowded smelly body heat suffocating me.
Guys who try to be Arceya's father. Guess what?! You're back off! I don't even trust Arceya's biological father, so what makes you think I trust you.
Things that aren't organized symmetrically, in a particular pattern, or in a straight line. It will bug me to no end.
People who diss what I come to love. If you say shit towards the celebs I Iike or the music I listen to. You will get a piece of my mind. Trust me...I got pissed at my dad for calling Gackt crap a couple of years back.
People who have the nerve to put my friend's down for their own personal agenda. I will not sit back while someone does this towards one of my close friends.
When people ask questions before they read the whole note or during the movie/tv episode. Does it hurt yourself to read or watch before asking the obvious questions that would've been answered? It annoys me, so get your mind intact.
My mom nagging me about my future. I KNOW I screwed up in the past, but let me go at my own pace. I set my'll take some time. She has to be patient with me.
Smart-asses. I don't mind people bringing up their knowledge that's related to the conversation. But when people throw their knowledge randomly as if they're better than me, I would love to slap that smirk off their faces.
Negative vibes. My goodness do I hate that. I like postive vibes because it's not awkward. Negative vibes makes everything freakin' awkward. UGH!
DAY 1: 10 things about you
DAY 2: 10 things you love
DAY 3: 10 things you hate
DAY 4: 10 things you want to say to one person
DAY 5: 10 wishes
DAY 6: 10 items you can’t live without
DAY 7: 10 important people
DAY 8: 10 of your favorite songs
DAY 9: 10 ways to win your heart
DAY 10: Final 10 words
I wish these two were my waiters Wednesday Night.
~ Sugi-chan (-_^).v