Yesterday was my daddy's 59th birthday!!! yay!!! It was also Fabian's 22nd birthday too!!! hehehe...woo hoo! For my dad's birthday, we ate Chinese food for dinner. Awesome, right?! I also talked to Fabian yesterday morning to wish him a happy birthday. I started laundry yesterday finally...hahaha. I bgan watching Buzzer Beat last night. This afternoon I continued watching...I cried in one scene. I knew I'd cry over this Jdorama...lmao. My package didn't come yet...stupid Veterans day, that day delayed my package...whatever! Fabian came by to hang out since we didn't yesterday. half-brother, Lester joined in our conversation. It was very interesting. I haven't conversated with my brother in a long time. It was great!!! I'm in the living room right, so I might go back in my room and cry to the next Buzzer Beat episode. I KNOW I WILL CRY!! Why does Yamapi end up doing things I want my future boyfriend to do? Migod!!!! Anyways, I guess I'll end it here and theme is name.
Pic of the DAY:
It says Yamashita Tomohisa
His friends and fans call him Yamapi
My nickname is either Sha or Sha Sha...lmao
Obviously it says Gackt
In japanese his name is pronounced Gakuto
I think some close friends call him Gacchan or Gakkun...hehe
- Sugi-chan (-_^).v