Jun 28, 2004 00:54
hai... [[ K33P In Mind, I Am DRUNK
. . . I have been excessivley plastered, pretty much every
day for the past . . . oh, say, 3 or 5 weeks or so...and I love it . . .
Take today alone... started drinking an old Natty Light, tutored my mom's
friend in MBTA mechinist/electrician specialist jobs... I seem to be quite hyper-
efficiant, still, with book work. Anywho, she gave me a Corona Light and after the session
she bought myself and H4Z1D! drinks, a 12 rack of natty Ice for me and a 6 for my lil bro,
and 4 mudlisdes for the Yin to my Yang brother Joey . . .
...oh yes... on top of having blazed some Ginger Berry Poison buds, courtosy to 'Hollywood
Gaeta' . . . Good Shit!
. . . drank those down, threw my ninja stars with some friends @ 'the elder forrest legend'...
Then, got home got soem nice Hydro. blazed from me glass piece with me 'real' family! ^_~
after, went home and ate A LOT of Vodka Jello Shots . . . w00t!
Indeed, but on that...I HAVE helped and guided SOOO many of my friends and random street aquaintances...
...and tis far better to be efficietly able to help others than to revel in Vanity...bb
. . . Indeed, today was and IS a repeat of the last several weeks, and tis 1 thing I never saw, but tis comfortable...
...the heart's Sacrifice tis far more Honorable than Disgrace...
However, when my Dex comes back . . . let us see what becomes!
-James H4r h4R h$R!!! ^_~