Fic: The Wife 12/15

Apr 11, 2012 20:12

Title: The Wife 12/15
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings:Arthur, Guinevere, Morgana, Uther, Merlin, Gaius, Arthur/Guinevere,
Spoilers: Seasons 1-3
Disclaimer: I own nothing. BBC owns "Merlin".
Summary: AU. As the wife of the prince Gwen knows that she is destined to one day rule beside him. Yet the road to the throne will not be simple. Talks of an heir looming above her, the growing worry over Morgana, Uther's ill health, and her confusion over her spouse will not help in the slightest. Yet her trials are nesecary to grow into her title as 'wife' to one of legend's most famous kings. The second entry in "The Once and Future" series.

Chapter 12:
A potential disaster emerges.

Author's Note:  : Hey! I am sorry about the abnormally long wait. School has been keeping me busy, far more than it's ever done before. I'm not sure if I'm going to have a set schedule with the last few chapters due to last minute homework, but expect to have more consistent updates once school ends. Thanks for sticking with me, and I'm sorry that this chapter is pretty brief.

“He was the ideal prince today,” he commented, handing off the bundle to his wife. )

pairing: gwen/arthur, rating: r, fan fiction, fan fiction: au

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