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Comments 127

izzyfics July 5 2010, 18:35:29 UTC

College AU: Studying in the library


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felix_aeternus July 6 2010, 03:59:17 UTC

I had more fun with this than I'll admit! :P


kepp0xy July 5 2010, 19:24:19 UTC
because my back is sore, I want Gwen to get a backrub >:D My inclination is to say Arthur/Gwen, but really, I'll take anyone doting on our darling.

... Except Gaius, plz. o.o


mystizan July 11 2010, 21:31:42 UTC
Huzzah! I finished this one too :D And u can find it here http://mystizan.livejournal.com/1214.html


kepp0xy July 5 2010, 19:27:27 UTC
oh aaand: Gwen/Morgana, where Morgana, for a reason of your choosing, is trying to impress &/or cheer up Gwen by way of magic tricks *_*


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Re: Say it with Flowers; Gwen/Morgana; PG felix_aeternus July 9 2010, 17:53:40 UTC
hee, this is just SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEfully cute! <3


Re: Say it with Flowers; Gwen/Morgana; PG kepp0xy July 9 2010, 20:08:01 UTC
aw... hehehe! this is totally what I was looking for, all smushy and affectionate and a little silly. THE GIRLS NEED MORE CHANCE TO BE SILLY ON THE SHOW.

thanks, girlie! ♥


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Can We Keep Him? - PG dfriendly July 6 2010, 09:01:59 UTC
I went with wee tiny griffin, since in my head it was the fluffiest & cutest. D'awwwww.


“Are you two in-sane?”

“See, I told you he’d react this way, Gwen.”

From the table she sat at, Guinevere tutted at Arthur before turning back to the baby griffin and feeding it a slice of raw pork.

“We can’t keep that… that monster!”

“He’s a baby!” the queen countered in horrified tone.


“It’s parentless, Arthur,” Merlin tried to reason. “I killed its mother.”

“With good reason! The thing was eating villagers!”

“But I didn’t know it had a child to feed,” he shrugged.

“Oh that’s a swell excuse, Merlin,” Arthur drawled with sarcasm. “I should have just told the villages, ‘Sorry, guys. But a griffin’s gotta eat ( ... )


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Re: Can We Keep Him? - PG dfriendly July 7 2010, 21:11:34 UTC
Now I want a picture of Merls and Gwennie hugging a bb gryffin.

Haha. Me, too. With maybe an exasperated Arthur in the background grumbling over his chewed-on boot.

Thanks ♥


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