LIMS Challenge 8 Voting

May 20, 2010 00:51

LIMS Challenge Eight Voting

Voting Guidelines
+ You must fill out the provided textarea voting form and comment with your vote.
+ You will be voting for your favorite set.
+ Please provide feedback for both of the icons in the set.
+ The challenge had two parts: 1) iconing a close-up of the face or part of the face and 2) iconing "something new," in terms of the artist's history with effects. The latter was a challenge to the competitors, so please vote on icon quality and not how "out there" the effects are.
+ There is an option to give feedback to the other sets. The iconmakers will appreciate your critique. You can comment on all other icons, a few, or none.
+ Do not manipulate the vote in anyway, including voting for your own icons or asking others to vote for you.

Set 01

Set 02

Set 03

Set 04

Voting Form
Set #

Optional Feedback

Voting will end at 03:00PM on May 23 in Pacific Standard Time.

Thank you!

lims competition

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