LIMS Challenge Eight

May 09, 2010 22:11

Challenge 08: Up-Close and All New

General Rules
1. You must submit two (2) icons, one in each category.
2. You cannot animate.
3. As always, the icon must be new work and you cannot post it anywhere until challenge results are posted.

PART ONE: Up-Close
You have to icon Gwen's face (or a part of her face, like eyes, mouth, etc.). When I mean face, I really mean just her face. You're allowed to include some hair and neck, but not too much. Use your logic, and always feel free to ask me. I did some quick crops to show what I'd accept in terms of cropping: click here to see. The main reason I picked this theme was so you guys can work better with the shadow and lighting problems. It's easy to up the screen effect and light and totally wash out the face. It's also easy to up the contrast and all of a sudden you have two dark scary eyes in a sea of something you can't figure out. At the same time, though, you want to make it look like you did something with the icon.

+ You may use effects solely for coloring (for example, you can use a texture to color the image, but not to make a border or anything).
+ Your icons cannot be black and white.
+ You cannot use text.

PART TWO: Something New
This challenge depends on the honor code. Has there been a kind of coloring/effect you've always wanted to try but haven't really worked out? If not, think of something new. You should try to be as original and creative (in terms of your own icon style) as possible without being so out-there that the icon becomes ugly. Obviously, all effects are allowed. I have provided with you images. However, you can use all of them and include outside images (screencaps or promotion photos).


For this challenge, you can choose your own images, but they must be of episode screencaps.

Thanks to Angel Coulby Online. (Click thumbnail to view full size.)


Please submit your entries by commenting with the icons and URLs. No more skips may be used.

You can ask any questions here or PM me.

The deadline is Wednesday, May 19 Thursday, May 20 at 00:00/12:00AM/midnight in Pacific Standard Time. (Note: You must submit your icons BEFORE this time.) Also, note the new day in scheduling. Challenges will end on Wednesday and voting will end on Sunday.

HAVE FUN!!! Thank you for participating.

List of participants and skips guidelines.

lims competition, lims challenge

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