FIC: The Blacksmith's Son (Arthur/Gwen, PG, 12/12, Part II and III)

May 05, 2010 10:44

The Blacksmith’s Son- Chapter Twelve Part II and III

Chapter: 12/12
Rating: PG
Pairings: Arthur/Gwen
Disclaimer/references: Merlin does not belong to me.
Summary: He has the hands of a blacksmith but a heart of a prince- if only she could see that. AU fic, in which Arthur is the blacksmith’s son and Gwen a princess- because being epic means being two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that fits, even when the colours have changed.
A/N: Many thanks to mag2425  for her amazing alpha, catchtheskies  and lovedbyahero  for being wonderful betas who got this back to be pronto even though I only sent it to them today.

After this, there’s just the epilogue!

One, TwoThreeFour  Five Part I, Part II , Six  , Seven Part I, Part II , Eight, Nine Part I, Part II,  Ten , Eleven Part I, Part II   Twelve Part I

Evil people always get their comeuppance. Always )

pairing: gwen/arthur, fan fiction: au, rating: pg

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