LIMS Challenge: Coloring Text

Feb 14, 2010 02:06

I posted this challenge a few days early because I was so late with the results. You have a few extra days to work on this challenge, so make your best icons yet!

Challenge 03: Coloring Text

General Rules
1. You must submit two (2) icons, one in each category.
2. You may use multiple screencaps in each icon, but those screencaps must be from the same category.
3. Your icon must prominently showcase Gwen, but may or may not include (an)other character(s).
4. As always, the icon must be new work and you cannot post it anywhere until challenge results are posted.

PART ONE: Color Icon Rules
I intentionally gave you darker screencaps (or screencaps with harsher highlights and shadows) for this part of the challenge. Lighting is one of the most important aspects of an icon. Experiment with these images to find a method to brighten them up/color them.

1. Your icon MUST be in COLOR. Black and white icons will not be accepted. Part of your icon may be in black and white, but the majority of it must be in color.
2. You may utilize any textures, gradients, brushes, stock images, etc. However, you cannot use other Merlin screencaps/images in your icon.

PART TWO: Text Icons
Text itself and its placement can be very complicated things. You can make your icon anyway you'd like, but you MUST have at least three words of text in the icon. Text from textures/brushes do not count.

1. You may color the icon however you'd like.
2. You may utilize any textures, gradients, brushes, stock images, etc. However, you cannot use other Merlin screencaps/images in your icon.
3. You cannot use the phrase "the future queen" as (or part of) your text. (Also, try to keep "Gwen/Guinevere/etc." out of your text, but it's not "banned.")

Images (click on the thumbnail to view full size)
Thank you to Angel Coulby Online.



Please submit your entries by commenting with the icons and URLs. If you're using a skip, please comment or else you may be disqualified. Those who have used a skip in the previous challenge may not use one again.

You can ask any questions here or PM me.

The deadline is Saturday, February 27 at 00:00/12:00AM/midnight in Pacific Standard Time. (Note: You must submit your icons BEFORE this time.)

HAVE FUN!!! Thank you for participating.

List of participants and skips guidelines.

lims competition, lims challenge

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