Anyway, back to me ...

Oct 04, 2006 18:00

I think I've loaded up your respective f|lists with enough meme-y crap for the time being. Let's get some news in here, yes?

Last weekend was semi-painful; like kengurupoika I have some fairly nasty memories of Fairday weekend. Last year was a disaster, with me telling my then newly ex I still loved him, only to be shot down. If I was brutally honest with myself I'd say that I was still fairly damaged from it all, and so resolved to boycott the event this year and renounce all party spirit. Fortunately I'm not often that honest, and found a convenient excuse of work to avoid the festivities and teeny-camp boys that I know would just shit me.

Or so I thought. What I hadn't counted on was the fact that quite a lot of country queers also come up for the weekend. And some of them chose my hotel to stay in. There were one or two there were alright, even one cute one, but my weekend at work was shot to hell by the appearance of this horridly loud and obnoxious lesbian (or at least I think she was a lesbian) and her even more annoying camptastic gay friend, whom she affectionately referred to (shouted across the lobby) as "bitch". They were particularly interested in me, with both of them declaring that I was "their's", which I wouldn't have cared about overmuch, except that they did this in very loud voices, not in their room, but in front of a less-than-amused Saeed and several guests. Just go back to Bunbury where you belong! Skanks. Their friend (coincidently, the cute-ish one) telephoned on Monday afternoon to apologise for their behaviour and to compliment "all the hotel staff for being so good". I think he was also wanting to know if I was single, but that would be inappropriate to discuss with a guest over the phone at work. [grins]

I still miss talking to John (aka. Mr 2006) from time to time. Occasionally his face will still pop into my head. But then I remember his unfortunate habit of being way too self-absorbed and of shagging a not-so-distantly-related family member, or so I hear and I tell myself to snap out of it. It works. Most of the time.

Speaking of work, though, it has been both busy and fun of late. Being involved in a competition to see who plays the best mini-Hitler (called "leadership development" by my evil DM Eric) saw me win a bottle of house white last night, snatched from under the nose of my deadly rival Bec. I have three weeks left in my current role, then I switch to being the F&B [manager's] bitch. Somewhat daunting - learning the #3 role in the hotel and knowing you have to do said role in 3 months' time.

Apart from that - lunch with sister-dearest Thursday, drinks with high school folk that afternoon, French Club play with Jordan Friday night, then more high school mates Saturday morning. For some reason the youngest of my friends' children loves me. Holly is small (even for 19 months) and has a penchant for staring at everything, usually with a serene smile on her face that you know means she is not thinking anything nice, and I think will grow up to be evil. But amusingly so. Very cute.

I have today and the following two off. I have plans for all of it (usually involving booze) except tonight and tomorrow morning. Suggestions?

boys, gay, work, friends

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