Somehow it was better for others ...

Sep 06, 2005 17:18

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet kengurupoika? Uni - the second floor of the Guild is a friendly place.
2.~What would you do if you had never met forecastisrayne? Cry. Loudly.
3.~What do you honestly think of wyldeboye? Odd as only country boys can be, but likeable enough.
4.~Would or did glenno and astro_lou go out? *almost chokes laughing* No, no they would not.
5.~Have you ever liked uber_sandperson? Only on Wednesdays. Or when she rants about hippies.
6.~If kyanwings died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? Xena isn't real, m'dear.
7.~Would teza_matto and xejon make a good couple? Errr, pass?
8.~Describe lelial in 3 words: Darwin puppy devil
9.~Do you think merrwyn is hot? *blush*
10.~Would kyanwings and mayak2 make a lovely couple? Somehow I don't think Maya swings that way - and Sarah might have something to say about it.
11.~What do you think of when you see astro_lou? Tank Girl. Don't ask me why.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about xejon: He smokes Winnie Blues, I think?
13.~Do you know any of iru's family members? Nope.
14.~What's kengurupoika's favorite color? Judging from his VELURE JUMPSUIT, purple.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is taintedsoulmate? 11 *evil grins*
16.~What would you do if oo_lookit_shiny just professed their undying love for you? Laugh.
17.~What language does glenno speak? English, after a fashion.
18.~Who is crtracey going out with? Bruno! :D
19.~Is shrykhan a boy or a girl? Boy.
20.~Would kengurupoika and oo_lookit_shiny make a good couple? See Q4.
21.~Who do you think _put3_ would be great with from this list? If I said Jane, she'd kill me. So I'll put Matt.
22.~When was the last time you talked to merrwyn? A very drunken Saturday about a month and a half ago.
23.~What is uber_sandperson's favorite band? Any that do the angry monkey dance.
24.~Does teza_matto have any siblings? Yes, a younger brother, I believe.
25.~Would you ever date iru? Been there, done that - err, yes well ...
26.~Would you ever date lelial? I'm going with "no" here.
27.~Is _put3_ single? To the best of my knowledge?
28.~What is kengurupoika's last name? Think "Pride & Prejudice" - Bennett!
29.~What is kengurupoika's middle name? Anthony, I think.
30~What is wyldeboye's fantasy? To live in the 80's, behind the Iron Curtain and listening to decadent Western bands.
31.~Where does shrykhan live? Methinks somewhere in the UK.
32.~Would you make out with kengurupoika? See Q26
33.~Are forecastisrayne and iru best friends? I believe they'd have to know each other first ...
34.~Does lelial like kengurupoika? I guess, in his own way.
35.~How did you meet kengurupoika? Whoah, deja vu!
36.~Is merrwyn older than you? *chuckles* That young scamp? Not bloody likely.
37.~Is mayak2 the sexiest person alive? Hell yeah! Franglais it up, baby.

meme, friends

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