Jul 30, 2007 01:38
I get chastised a lot for showering routinely at night, before bedtime, rather than in the morning. I do not understand why. What's up with the backlash against bedtime showers? So far, the only quasi-empirical argument against them (which is constantly thrown at me in these cases) is, "Yeah, but you sweat at night so, by morning, the shower is pointless!"
Well genius, you sweat during the day too! And I'd wager a really awesome hat that you sweat more while running around, doing daytime shit, than when you lie (relatively) still in bed, dreaming of bunnyrabbits (as you do). Also, how much dirt do you accumulate during the day? Besides the grossness produced by your own body, there are exhaust fumes, cooking residues, the detritus of various cosmetics (perfume/cologne, deodorant, hair product)... Do you morning showerers mean to tell me that you happily bring this shit into your beds and continue to roll around in it for however many hours you're asleep? Because dudes, that is seriously fuckin gross.
The only excuse I am willing to accept for the total absence of bedtime showers (given that I know a few freaks who routinely shower both before bed and in the morning), is that showers make certain people too awake and invigorated to sleep properly. I'll accept this because showers do the exact opposite to me - they make me sleepy.
Also, what's the deal with showering and then rushing off to your day? What about the nasty dampness that clings to your body after a shower, and that no amount of toweling dry can undo? Doesn't it feel gross wriggling into your clothes - particularly the tight-fitting ones (undies, bras)? Whenever I shower in the morning, I spend the rest of the day feeling like my clothes are sitting perpetually 15 degrees away from where they should be. NOT COOL. How does one avoid this?
So, in the interests of science: when do you shower and why? And for those morning showerers among you, enlighten me to your stupid ways!
dumb shit,