Some bullshit gnostic hoo-hah that I usually dismiss

Mar 29, 2007 22:09

Close, but no banana. This is one of those weird things that hits you ('you' here meaning 'me') every half-decade or so. And here it is: my life is tick-tock-fucking-ticking away. This time, the sentiment struck me when I was putting a bowl of cooked but otherwise unseasoned pasta into the fridge, electing to eat it tomorrow instead of today. Downer! I should be, like, travelling the world and climbing mountains and bungee jumping and shit - not pleased with the fact that I live in a house that allows me to keep my books and my bed in separate rooms.

My brain didn't really choose to elaborate on the sentiment the way it does sometimes, aside from sending a neural blip that said, "You are boring, lame-o"; instead, I felt more compelled than usual to buy that PhD comics shirt (pictured right). They would've had a sale long ago if only it read "Grad School: it seemed better than getting a real life."

But only a total loser would wear a shirt advertizing their grad student status, so fuck that! I'm taking a walk.


dumb shit

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