Welcome, Saint Fond

Jun 16, 2006 11:01

So, the iPod has arrived, thereby making me replete with external hard drives that I don't trust. It's strange that, whenever I speak to Windows users who own iPods, they always comment on
  • the pretty and 'innovative' packaging of the iPod and
  • the general friendliness of the hardware, its out-of-the-box functionality, its good behaviour with and recognition by the Windows machine.
The packaging I will agree with, but considering that I've ordered lots of junk from Apple, I wasn't particularly surprised. Well, I was a little surprised. The packaging was so damn innovative that the first thing I almost did when opening the box was drop the fucking iPod on the ground. Almost. Time to send off a suggestion to 'lock' the iPod into the packaging with at least one little cardboard clip or something.

Also, for those of you who haven't seen the very funny, very true "Microsoft designs the iPod" video, here it is on YouTube.

In terms of 'friendliness', however, I feel confident in saying that this is without a doubt the most churlish little piece of hardware the PowerBook has ever encountered. No sooner did I plug it into the PowerBook than it came up with its cranky little DO NOT DISCONNECT screen and then proceeded to do its thing. It had no intention of telling me what it was going to do, from whence it was going to access my files, nothing. Snob!

Windows users, if you think the iPod is friendly, buy a Mac. Apparently the lack of attention the iPod paid me while it went about its business has insulted me, as I'm used to my Apple machines paying a great deal of attention to me, asking for permission, occasionally telling me that I look really nice today, and so on.

So, in honour of this surprising development, I decided to name the iPod Saint-Fond in reference to de Sade. My other machines are named after Von Sacher-Masoch characters (the PowerBook is Severin and the Clamshell G3 is Wanda - the drives are all named after the various brain-controlling bug-typewriters in Cronenberg's adaptation of Naked Lunch - well, except for drive "Yves Cloquet", that's named after a character in Naked Lunch because I ran out of typewriter names), but all of the hardware bits are either masochists or sadists. The iPod is my first de Sade character.

I'm trying to waste time while the iPod updates. It has copied nearly 3500 of my 4600 some-odd songs. I hope the iPod didn't hear the somewhat mean things I said about it in this post.


apple, mac, lappy, ipod

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