Hot WIndows-on-Mac action

Apr 06, 2006 00:42

So for those of you who didn't already know (and apparently it has been on TV and the radio, so if my parents know then everybody knows), Mac has made a beta version of Boot Camp available, which allows users to choose between Windows XP and Mac OS X on their (Intel-only) Mac machines. As per the image below, Mac users seem pretty horrified at the prospect of their precious machines now hosting the dirty, dirty XP operating system and all of the savage XP-users that come along with it, but as long as I can't catch their viruses, I don't care.

It does look a little bit weird, though - those stupid green rolling hills on an iMac. One of the problems I've (retroactively realized that I've) always had with XP is the fact that I've only seen it running on shitty monitors, so it looks even uglier than it actually is. It would be interesting to see if it looks any better on a Mac monitor, because frankly the new Mac displays make word-processing documents look beautiful.

I worry prematurely that Mac will make the new OS X Leopard available to only Intel-based Mac users, which is a possibility since they seem so gung-ho about phasing out the PPCs. But come on, they wouldn't do that... would they? I'll be pissed as fuck if they do.

ADDENDUM (10:51 AM):

And now, Parallels has released a Beta program which allows you to use any OS (as a "guest virtual machine") alongside Mac OS X. Rather than booting one or the other, you can now just temporarily boot Windows while still inside OS X to get whichever Windows/Linux/whatever programs you need, without booting an entirely new operating system. Again, Intel-based Macs only.

Cool idea, in theory. I can't imagine ever needing more than one operating system, but I know that many people's work-home computers don't communicate well when it comes to certain Windows or Mac-only applications. Also, I guess it's all good news for gamers, who can now play some of those Windows-only games on their Macs.

Let's just keep the viruses to a minimum, okay? I wonder, since Parallels allows you to use Windows inside of OS X, if that'll open up a whole bunch of virus-ready holes in OS X.

I hope Leopard addresses these issues, and again, it had better fucking be available for PPCs.


mac, lappy

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