drop the line -- fake the sign -- stop the tries -- tell me lies

Oct 27, 2006 09:51

Might seem sudden to some, but I'm thinkin' it's time for me to quit this place. At least, this journal. Anything else I start up will probably be private or under a totally different identity. Not journal name--IDENTITY. I'm not deleting anything here because I have a couple years' worth of entries here, most personal experiences, good and bad.

I find myself reading my f-list, wondering why I'm even here. I feel close to virtually no one online anymore. So why continue to pretend? And as I start to grow distant, no one seems to notice. So how close were we in the first place? Eh...

This isn't brought on by some falling out or drama. Depression...maybe. But really, this will be a good thing for me. I'm here way too much. It's an addiction. And it's not even much FUN anymore. Pretty much just an irritant. And I'm tired of pretending it's not. I wind up trying to convince myself of it more than anyone else.

This isn't really a hasty decision, either. For months, I've considered it, though I considered several different ways to do so, from the dramatic to just a quiet disappearance. But no, I'm just...checking out.

I'll still be "findable" online. That should go without saying. I AM, however, breaking some ties. It happens.

otakuraven, I'm sorry I hadn't even hinted at this; but I hadn't really thought about it SERIOUSLY until now. Only as a "what if" type thing. I'll be making a last post on the6 to step down soon.

guspudcreations and sweat_and_fire are closing as well, but not being deleted.

To some of you, I'll see you around.

To others, auf wiedersehn.
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