yes, it has been 1 week since camp but i am still gonna blog about it!
i shall summarise the main highlights! :D
1. Doing the hand sign song 3459834 times during the camp! And the rockin' mass dances! :D
2. Slept with the same bunch of crazy 30 Jengjengjeng people for 5days 4 nights. I love my bed and shower but I really miss it. Especially the snore symphony that we have. HAHA
3. The night before Sentosa games, I was high on drugs while preparing our station game log! Seriously, all the laughing and dancing to songs.
4. Going to Sentosa with the Jengs was funfunfun! Playing with the walkies at Sentosa was da bomb! Wished we could spend more time there though!
5. Nightwalk was the bomb! The freshies were scared out of their wits though I was like rather noticable hahaha
6. Bernita and I bathed in the guy's toilet. Woots. It is seriously so freakin' clean there compared to pad paradise!
7. Regetta, I totally screamed my lungs out and lost my voice obviously. BEST SPIRITED AWARD. woots!
8. The design shower was so epic. Totally.
9. Programme debrief. Roar, I cried ): Watching people hug, I cannot take it man ): Even till now, I still feel sad!
10. I became a smelly red haired ahlian, thanks to gab and sabique, LOL
ok fine, so I sort of summarised the camp in 10 points. Seriously, it is so fun that I don't even have time to pen everything down in words. Those who were at camp will understand (:
This camp was my second and is one of the emotional ones due to the Year3s leaving. Especially Mark and Yijie.
cementthead :
Almost but i didnt. Just when i was about to leave school, i saw mark and amanda.
Im the biggest fool ever, i asked them what happened? why is amanda crying? then i realised its becase he's leaving. Shit hell, i totally forgot that they were leaving, cause i thought i'll be seeing them again, ever morning, nooons and night just like how i did seeing them for 5 days straight. and thats when my tears came in, i cldnt help it. It came naturally and it shows how much people like them means to me. If i could cry within ten seconds for you means you have settled yourself a gd spot safely right inside my heart. He's a great GL, he's more than a GL, a great great friend. wldnt be the same if he's werent my GL last year. My GLs are the ones who really inspired me.
Thank you seniors, especially you Mark. For being there for me since DOTC2 2008 (:
And since I am thanking,
Thank you Eric Imba Sim!
Thank you Christina Richard Tan!
Thank you Toh Chia Hui!
Thank you Melly Yun Ling!
Thank you Mark IN TAIWAN Toh!
Thank you Fouy Law Heng Jun!
Thank you Shello Chan Fungi!
Thank you Cheryl Laopo Lim!
Thank you Nat IN HKG Lim!
Thank you Sheqal Bestie Lim!
Thank you Kaiyi IMISSYOU Ang!
I heart all of you manymany! for standing by me this entire period and not thinking I am stupid and listening to me. ♥
I heart you the most bun, this time I really will make things work.