got this from
heartrunway My bestfriend is older than me.
There should always be emotion and passion in music.
I think I have died before.
I want to be a pirate.
Captain Jack Sparrow = fucking hotness.
The force is with me.
I can't ride a bike.
I can't swim.
I've made a rubberband or foil ball.
I am 99% unique.
I, at one point, had fluffy 80s style hair.
Well, I know someone who has.
I've been in a wedding.
I use minty toothpaste.
I use fruity toothpaste.
I have a tabby cat.
My dad has bad hair.
I know almost every single song that comes on the radio.
I don't have a BEBO profile.
I use to have or do have a slingshot.
I have made fun of someone and later felt guilty about it.
I've played a prank on a teacher.
Bows are pretty.
I've dressed up as something skanky for Halloween before.
My house has been toilet papered before.
I never use AIM.
My Internet connection is fast.
My pubic hair isn't dark.
Me? Immature. Proud of it.
I call everybody 'babe.'
I have a friend named Helen.
Black roses are gorgeous.
I love the actress Jennifer Connelly.
I've been on a treasure hunt.
I know someone who was murdered.
My dog was killed by another dog.
I've read the DaVinci Code and can't wait to see the movie.
That books sucks balls.
I eat breakfast bars.
I watch soap operas.
Old people are awesome, they know everything!
The News is boring.
I've been picking my nose when I thought no one was looking, only to find out someone was.
I wink a lot.
I can't rollerblade without falling over.
I wear house shoes or slippers inside the house all the time.
Hell, I wear them outside often too.
I have been in an online relationship.
I have cybered before.
I don't even know what cyber is.
I'm slow.
I need to dye my hair.
When I sing, I WAIL.
I've caught myself being turned on by the same sex even though I'm straight.
I'm bisexual.
I wear sunglasses in winter because they look cool.
I want to be an artist designer.
I love my parents very much.
I'm freaking pissed off today.
You need a hug from me.
I hate hugs.
The whole world just stinks.
I've smoked a cigarette before simply from peer pressure.
I was pressured into having sex too young.
Forests are beautiful.
I hate politics.
I stand up for what I believe in.
I made myself pull away from someone to avoid being hurt.
I see the beauty in most things, or at least I try to.
I have an addiction to video games.
I want some fast food right now.
I like tomato soup.
I say tomAHto instead of tomAto.
It is after 4pm.
I want a baby.
I am different from people my age.
I have visited a suicide chatroom.
I prefer black and white to colours.
I have developed my own photos before.
I'm addicted to at least one show on TV right now.
I have to take pills daily.
I have chores to do today.
My mother is sick at the moment.
I think my parents are way too strict.
I used to think my parents were way too strict but I have come to find they aren't so bad.
The sun is shining.
I wish I could go back in time to see a live hanging or execution.
I'm morbid like that.
I want to be buried, not cremated.
I can't help but get excited and get a greedy look in my eye when holding big amounts of cash.
Clapping annoys me.
I sometimes use British slang.
I've kneed a guy in the groin before.
I want to ride an elephant.
I have bought new make up recently.
I write letters in silver pen.
I know who wrote Wuthering Heights.
I think its weird that male seahorses can get pregnant.
...Like its weird that female spiders eat the males after they mate.
My mobile phone is low on battery.
I like the way Paris Hilton dresses.
She dresses like a slut, you moron.
I have streaked hair.
Sometimes I cry like a baby.
I have never had a job before.
My 'best friend' talks about me behind my back.
She also stole my boyfriend.
If I could travel back in time to another century, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
I have seen 'Big Ben' in person.
I can do a great impression of Gollum from Lord of the Rings.
I have done something that, had I gotten caught, I would have been thrown in jail for.
I have crashed my car.
I have crashed into somebody else's car.
I can drive a stick shift.
I have red hair.
Hilary Duff is secretly a whore who lets her boyfriend bend her over.
My teacher is lesbian/gay.
I think the lyrics to Pink's "Stupid Girls" kick ass!
I saw Sweeney Todd when it came out.
I haven't seen it, but I want to.
I haven't seen it, and I don't want to.
I keep all my receipts, for everything!
I have a job.
No, I need a job.
I know how to cook.
Reality shows bug me.
I buy movies when they're on sale.
I don't buy movies period.
My birthday is coming up.
My boyfriend/girlfriend's birthday is coming up.
I don't plan on having kids for a longgggg time.
Whatever happened to William Hung?
I have professional pictures taken of me.
I have a fancy-dancy-flippy phone thing.
One of my friends is/was pregnant.
I really want to buy a new comforter for my bed.
I hate when teachers assign books to read.
Teachers THINK they know all there is to know about teenagers.
I like to wear my hair up.
My hair isn't a big deal to me.
I have a lot A LOT of friends.
I've got a new animal.
I'm happy with my life now.