Sexy, Sexy, Sexy SEXY ankles....hhhmmmmmmm.....lurrrrvely...^_^ Miya

Apr 07, 2006 23:48

Sexy, Sexy, SEXY ankles.....!!!

Just got off the bus after having a very nice conversation with two girls Myia and Elisha (spellings!?).
Myia was wearing jeans that stopped at her knees, and I fell in love with her legs and ankles, and couldn't help but complement them. She was okay about that, and even encouraged it, so I wax lyrical some more. =P Although unfortunately, despite asking politely, I wasn't allowed to kiss them.
"I've never been asked that before."
=P Rather embarrassingly, they had me take off my own socks and shoes, and they took a photo of my ankles on their phone. =/

But, no, they're both at New College. Elisha...or possibly Elise...or Alica, or Lisa, or goodness knows what, was also a single parent. (Unless they were bullshitting, it was a little hard to tell, but I believe most people by default, so assume she spoke the truth). So, yeah, I mentioned how I knew someone else who was a single parent at New College, and how I knew it could be tough. Didn't know what Elisha was doing, but Myia is doing Law, Psychology, and Biology. They're in their second year. Elisha does a lot of dance, and wants to go onto Drama and/or Dance at Uni...y'know, Theatre School or something, whilst Myia (very attractive, lovely lady) wants to study law and be a lawyer.

Well...I gave them my business card, and they're probably gonna email me, although I won't hold my breath, as it will probably be completely at random and out of the blue if and when it does happen, as I'm not sure they even have the net up where they are (they remarked: "When we get the net up...") but I was told I would hear from them and Myia's lovely ankles, so if you'll forgive me taking my leave so early into this journal post...I'm off to bed now, to dream about Myia's ankles. =) Absolutely exquisite.

It had been a hard day, so I needed to see some ankles.
Just a really nice way to end what has been an exhausting day of travel.

^_^ Also saw Martina briefly today. I told her:
"I really love the way your lips are understated"
"What!? What does that look like?"
"Like subtle beauty," I answered, "They're as slender as your lovely eyebrows".

Well...she leaves for Austria tommorrow, so I won't see her again for two weeks.
But if I hear from Miya, it won't be so bad.

Met Stephen Keen. Really top bloke.
Chilled out in Bar 101 central London.
Most likely will be working with him, but will make my decision final after some sleep, and then checking out his showreel tommorrow.
He used to work on CVG and Mean Machines actually, and knows one of my all time heroes - the legend that is Paul Davies. Editor of CVG during one of its highest circulation periods.
But perhaps more relevant to other people reading this, he also filmed Bad Influence, GamePad, Thumb-bandits, and has worked with Violet Berlin, Aleks Krotoski, and Iain Leigh/Lee ( think 11 O Clock Show ) amongst others. Why would he want to work with me? "Well, I haven't been to E3 for a couple of years now..."
He's currently working nightshift, on QuizMania - that rather pink phone-in TV quiz show, where the presenters rotate.

I wouldn't necessarily believe all this off the cuff, but I've had Violet Berlin wax lyrical about him via email to me ( she gave a glowing reference of him ), hence he's my current preferred candidate atm. But as I said, I'll make my mind up properly over the weekend.

"So what are you doing this weekend?" he asks me.
"Well...I know what I should be doing, but I also know what I'll end up doing...." I say, explaining how I should be patching up the ammended sections of the DVD, but instead I'm likely to be doing CGI on Joey's website. "If Chaz knew what I was doing, he would kill me, so the only way I justify it to myself, is by doing it on weekends...." and I begin to explain the Frequency article on Monday, getting local retail onboard ( 6 shops so far agreed to stock Joey's book, but I want to get it up to 10 before it re-launches ), and cutting out the middleman that was AH, and getting the per unit cost down to a figure that actually allows Joey to start making some decent money.
"Sounds like you're taking on too much..."
Yeah, but I want to.
Sick and tired of not having a product to sell, and this thing's ready, so is good to go.

miya, ankles

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