Six Days in One Post.

Mar 18, 2008 15:23

Email to Martina:

----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Mehta
To: Anzi Mar
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 3:12 PM
Subject: Okay, ^_^, quickly then....

Since I didn't get through at the weekend, and still can't be bothered to elaborate too much, ^_^, lol.
Here's a quick run down of events:

* After hanging out with you for ages, waiting for the damn club to open, they wouldn't let me in. So it was a complete waste of time. I probably should have gone home after we finished at Pret A Manger(spelling?) - that way you wouldn't have had to endure any touching, either. =P.

* Was a bit pissed off with the bouncer about being refused entry, after the promoter had said I was on the guest list and everything, so totally felt like clubbing still. Had a quick look for my old fav' club, Bar Rumba, but forgot where exactly it was. But eventually I managed to cheer myself up by beat-boxing and singing with some sixth form girls at paddington station, as we waited for our delayed 23:30 train, which eventually showed up at midnight. Then got to share a taxi home with two teenage girls from Swindon, which was nice of them, ^_^, although conversation was minimal. =P ^_^ But didn't matter, as I was v.tired at this point.

* Stayed up playing video games, and getting myself some food, till about 3am.

* Got up early for work, with only a few hours sleep....pretty knackered, but it was a relatively untaxing working day

* Having missed out on Pangaea on Thursday, totally wanted to go out Friday - and Swindon Rocks(!) was happening. Still couldn't get my friends up for it - Wayne was like you are after work - too shattered from work to go out. Mickey B wasn't picking up his mobile - so I called Marco - and he was like: "Yeah...I'm there....I'm playing in one of the bands...come down...", and I was like: "I'll see you in half an hour then..." and promptly set off. =P As it turned out, Marco was playing at The Bell, and I was going to The Appartment. I.e. - wrong venue! =P Doh!

* But nothing to regret - although Marco wasn't there. Beat Bullyz were. Composed of Stuart (my old English Language class mate from college) on Drums, Andrew Bully on production and vocals (who I also went to college with - we did all the same lessons), then some MC I didn't know on the Mic, and a DJ I didn't know, on the decks....but incredible energy! After x3 other supporting acts that gave way to the usual rock proceedings of men with beer standing around tapping their feet, BeatBullyz finally exploded onto the stage, prompting a real sea-change in vibe. The MC working up the crowd, getting everyone in the venue onto the dance floor, and up close to the stage. Getting the audience to sing along to tracks, jumping about, giving the set real energy. Just proved a top night. Bumped into Steve from local community magazine Frequency, and also Jamie Horn from my old Primary School...Pitsdrake was the promotor - an old acquaintance from school - and yeah, Swindon's a small town, you bump into people when you go out. But lots of energy going on - which made it a fulfilling night. See for an idea of their sound.
Andrew told me they'll be playing on Channel 4's Hollyoaks soon also. So hat's off to them. Andrew and Stuart also once won Channel 4's U Diesel Music award on 4Music a few years ago with their band The Nebulae.

* Got home around 2am...expecting to go to London the following day, early morning - yet had tonnes to prepare. Tried to prepare, but fell asleep at 4am.

* Marco woke me up with a phone call, Saturday, at 12:30pm. S**t....had overslept! =P Turns out, I hadn't seen Marco at the gig, 'cos he was at a different gig. Told me about how he's now self employed. Doing his own drylining and plastering. ^_^ Wow! Looks like someone at least is already running their own business! ^_^

* Quickly made a happy smiley face mask for Shakirah's party. ^_^ It was supposed to be a venetian mask...but oh well. ;-) I'm mad, me.;-)
Unfortunately, the printers wouldn't hold it for me to collect it on the way to the train station, so I had to make a special journey to the printers before they closed at 13:30pm to pick up the mask - which, with all the travel times involved, cost me yet more time.

* When I finally got to the train station, there was a bus service between Swindon and Reading, and it didn't leave for another was due to arrive in London around 17:00pm.=P The event finished at 18:00pm....and I still had to get a tube train up to Wembly! Eeek!

* Luckily, the bus got to Reading a little earlier, and I managed to catch an earlier train that was running late, and got into London for about 16:30pm. Then got to Wembly around 17:10pm.....about 50mins to get round Live!

* Live! turned out to be a little sh*t. ^_^. The two games I wanted to film - well, there was only video footage, and no demos.
I filmed what I wanted, plus some of the booths, and then tried to phone Adam and Paul.

* Couldn't get through to Paul, so failed to meet up with him afterall.

* Phoned Adam, who said he had only spent an hour at Live! before going around London generally. Said the event had been a bit disappointing - all the games on show were either already out, or due out next week, so there was nothing he hadn't already seen before. Although the Vegas-style Roulette Wheel at Ubisoft's booth was kinda cool.

* Found a girl on the tube playing Brain Training - thought she might have been at the event too, but she was a psychology student. Spoke to her a little about the event, and a little about my Sister's PHD.

* Next up, I went to Finsbury to use an internet cafe to look up the address to Shakirah's party, and then popped into Sainsburies to get some food, some vanilla fudge for Shakirah, and some cellotape to fix some string to my home made mask.

* Got to Shakirah's party, after a bit of effort finding the place. Some nice greetings, and well wishes, and I begun to sit down to cut the eye-holes out of my mask. Then Shakirah reminded me it was half past eight, and I had better get a move on if I wanted to attend Alan's play.

* Was suprised to find The Camden People's Theatre is so close to Euston, ^_^, but rushed through the pouring rain, to just make it in time - as everyone was entering. I didn't have cash on me, and there was no time to buy a ticket, so they took my card as a deposit, and then said I could pay during the interval.

* First production was by KettleFish - and was a talk panel about a fictitious theatrical performance. The audience were invited to ask questions to the panel, and the panel would improvise answers, making the fictional play sound more and more whacky and off-the-wall. ^_^ Pretty cool. And funny. =)

* Then it was a dash out in the pouring rain, to get some money from an ATM, and a dash back to the theatre for Alan's play.

* Alan's play was The Extraordinary Mugging of Mr Winterbottom, which was well acted, intense, thought-provoking, deep, but also with moments of humour, and a lot of good twists. ^_^ Alan, or to use his company's name - Karl's Imposter - had done well. ^_^

* Both plays were work-in-progress extracts, and more developed versions will be shown at a later date. ^_^

* Then Alan invited me to stay afterwards for some drinks. So I waited in the reception, and had a chat with some of the KettleFish actors, before we all finally moved to The Crown [pub just round the corner from Euston Square], only by this time, I realised I had no time, and upon arriving, promptly said my goodbyes, and then dashed off again to Shakirah's party.

* Noting how long it was taking to travel via Tube, I concluded I didn't really have any time to spend at Shakirah's party if I wanted to make it back to Paddington for the last train to Swindon. Nonetheless, I budgetted for 5 minutes, and spent that time chatting to ex-SMOKE editor, Chris, who next month will have finished working for the Uni of Westminster, designing their websites, and will be looking for work again. We had a quick chat about going freelance.

* I then got to show off my happy smiley face mask, which wasn't really venetian, but someone else had made a venetian mask out of straws and serviettes, and this was put on me briefly, but the straws were too close to the eyes to be comfortable. Chris took a photo of me wearing both masks. Then it was off to Shakirah to say goodbye. I briefly saw Sven - a friend of both Risto's and Shakirah's, so said hi to him too...then jetted off....

* Was cutting it fine for the train, so was a major rush - but made it in the end - even if again, there was a bus service for the second half of the journey.

* Irritatingly, some people refused to let me share a taxi with them, so I chose to walk home. And with holes in my shoes, and water everywhere, it wasn't the most comfortable of journeys, but I was able to get back home in time to get some good sleep for work the next day.

* Can't remember much about Sunday - I assume non-eventful.

* Monday - tried phoning GameSpot back, after I missed their original call while at work the previous Friday. Tried calling from pay phones on my lunch break at work. =P Wasted £3, only to get answer machines each time.

* Tuesday - today - got intouch with Gamespot/Cnet's HR - Anna - turns out the phone call was due to not having disclosed salary expectations. Told 'em anything between 18-24k would be fine. As long as I could afford to live in london, and get £1000 a month or more.
She said something about that being within their budget, and she'd get back to me later today with a decision.

And that's all you've missed, dear Beautiful Lady Martina. ^_^
*bows before you*
=) Heehee.

I'm assuming you haven't had time to read this - so sorry it was longer than intended, but chances are you've skim-read it at least, and picked out the interesting bits, ;-)

Hope your day is going well.
And remember when I say I love you, I have no desire to be your boyfriend. ^_^
I just think you're marvellous.

So take care, (!),
and bye.=)

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