Thoughts and Words, Dreams and Actions

Apr 19, 2007 21:06

Lady Tango on MySpace said she had a weird dream, and didn't initially want to say what it was, as she felt it was weird, so I thought I'd do a dream-exchange, thinking she might open up a bit if I sent her some of my weird dreams, so she'd know she wasn't the only one having weird dreams.

One of the dreams I copy and pasted, was the one where Anna and Miya were next to each other, Anna taking the place of Miya's friend Elise/Elisha/Liz whatever her name is. =P.
That made me think of the real Anna, a girl I liked from Uni.

Suddenly I realised, I actually probably had her old email address, from when we were all sending mass emails out on the magazine project. =P But I didn't know which one it was, so I entered a fair few of them into the MySpace search - way to find a load of old Uni mates! Saw a few people I couldn't even remember, but then our Uni was a bit anti-social, then OMG(!), ^_^, I found her profile. A bit barren, but interesting to see her into film making nowerdays, apparently working in TV, and enjoying Jazz and dance beats.

Anyway, I don't know if it's a bad thing searching out her email addy, and then profile. I mean, Bev would call that stalking, which I resent, so, I haven't put in a friends request yet, I just messaged Anna, to see if she was Anna, and if she remembered me.
I'll put in an add request if she responds positively.

I guess the difference here is that Ana's moreorless an old friend, who I got along with at Uni, whereas getting along with B was a problem even at college.

Still, it's probably the case that my mind drifts to lady's I used to fancy, whilst I'm not getting out of the house and meeting new people - but too much work to do, y'know?
Having said that, Martina and Richard, the forever working couple, want me in Hackney on Sunday filming a football match, which I don't particularly want to do. But I love Martina, so I said okay, and thankfully, I've been able to rope Olly into it too, so I'll have a 2nd cameraman helping out. Richard will be directing. Martina'll be doing all the other stuff I presume.

I just hope my balls will be up for it.
I can walk okay, I just can't really run, or dance.
Sh*t. I wish I could dance.
Still...if it is crap computer chairs causing the problem, I'll be outside all day, plus it's £100 for 2 hours work.
Only problem is, I'm gonna need a tripod, and a battery.
Which may cost money to rent/buy respectively.
Unless Olly can lend us some.

Fuck it. Ana's too cool. I'm gonna put in a friends request anyway.
Damn. Wish I could read portugese....

myspace, miya, ana, dreams, martina, health, film, bev, tango

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