Film emails, trigger memories of Miya's beautiful ankles! =D =P ^_^...~flutter~

Apr 15, 2007 15:45

Mat is making a film in Swindon.
Ariane is making a film in Norwich.

I told one about the other,
Ariane had patronising advice for Mat,
Mat thought Ariane was used to dealing with clueless people, and explained he was already on the ball in the areas pointed out.
Comments from both sides are very light hearted,
but I've now asked Ariane if I can pass on her email to Matt, so they can talk direct,
as I feel maybe I was stirring too much as piggy in the middle. ^_^.

However, Mat's email began: "Hiya!" and looking at it, I just thought - that's spelt like Miya! I wonder how her ankles are doing up in Warwick?
I miss her ankles.
=P I never saw them enough as it was.
I can't stress enough how truly beautiful her ankles appeared to be when I first set eyes on them. And she's got really cool sleek hair. ^_^ And she's really good at taking the piss out of you. But you've simply gotta love those ankles of her's...truly exceptional.

Some good news on the Mac side of things. Got a second hard drive sent down for free from with all the same apps on. Was still a bit miffed I had lost documents, such as Joey's book frontcover, but after booting into OS X, and running Disk Utility, I was able to get the old hard drive up and working. Oddly enough, when booted into OSX, Disk Utility reports nothing wrong with the disk, yet when booted into OS9, it says there are serious errors, although it will function as normally nonetheless. The only problem I had was with one Metroid Prime 3 video I was importing to Media100. This was actually what I was doing when the hard drive first crashed, and trying again to convert the file replicates the crash, with the Mac refusing to boot from the original hard drive, until it has booted at least once from the newer hard drive. In short - everything is working again now, and Joey's frontcover has been saved. And ask long as I leave that one troublesome video file alone, all seems fine and dandy.

I've emailed Rob at Nintendo, for some new Metroid footage also. Am quite excited he's taken over from Bianca at Cake, as it's quite rare to liaise directly with Nintendo Marketing personnel. I also met Rob on his first week on the job at E3 2004, so feel he's an old accquaintance I should get along with better.

I decided to phone Trusha again today, as when I was ill, I was thinking about everything I wanted to do with my life again, and finishing the aesthetical deconstruction of her was one of the things I really wanted to do. However, I feel a tad awkward phoning still, because we haven't gotten to know each other that well, and I don't feel secure in my friendship with her. I need to really make sure that she's happy being complimented, and that she isn't just being polite, and make sure that I'm more of a friend than harrassment.

I may phone Papi later, as I wanted to tell her Mat's looking for a Make Up Artist for his film, and whether she's up for it. I know she's stupidly modest, so I'm guessing she'll say she's not experienced enough, but I know she needs to build up a portfolio for her Uni application, and I reckon this might be good for her.

I think Mat's movie synopsis sounds completely cheesey though. The slogan reminded me of the lawnmower man, and it's dealing with the science of bionic eyes, which does actually exist as research going on today, so I feel it should be well researched and credible, which I'm not yet aware if it is or not. But you can't just stand at the sides criticising people, you've gotta admire them for going out and giving it all a good bash, as I do believe in following dreams. And of course Funkton Films have a track record of successful corporate videos behind them, so I assume they know what they're doing.

And speaking of knowing what you're doing - I know what I've gotta do. More voiceover work today, so I'd better get back to work. Take care people.

<3 and much love to Miya's ankles. They're divine. Respect. ^_^ Hahaha...I wonder if she reads this? I'm like, winding her up....;-)

"OMG! It's Him!"

miya, papi, film, trusha, ankles, joey

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