the whole season is hilarious, but the specific episode when the colon contest comes up is whichever one has a summary along the lines of "larry regrets getting cha cha a job near his office's bathroom" or something.
you can come for carol. i dont think im doing anything really this weekend. maybe painting... kimee wants to go to rollerderby? does that sound like fun?
i guarantee after that you'll turn that colon left paranthesis into a colon right paranthesis.
how's carol?
i got cable yesterday! i have no idea how to use it!
1300, ok.
the whole season is hilarious, but the specific episode when the colon contest comes up is whichever one has a summary along the lines of "larry regrets getting cha cha a job near his office's bathroom" or something.
and don't worry you don't see any actual colons.
maybe i'll come and get carol this weekend?
also, have you ever been to this?
ive heard of that!!! are you going to buy that house and live there?
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