im so motherfucking bored!!!!

Jul 01, 2004 17:47

jesus christ i didnt think it was possible to get this bored.

anywho...did nothing today as usual...well actually i had drums and piano...but that still counts as nothing cuz i hate lessons...they can blow my imaginary cock that the retarded people who email me think i have cuz they all think i was dick enlargements...jeez see how bad the ADD is?? i need help.

so yeah im learning how to play "Straw Dog" by something corporate...its the only sorta easy song i could find...and i can finally play the fill in the beginning of the sounds really cool...not that anyone just rambling, assuming that no one is gonna read any of it and actually care...

piano lesson today wasnt horrible, except for the fact that i fucking suck at that motha instrument...he kept getting off topic so i didnt have to play as much as usual, which is good.

and now im home with michael and no one else...which sucks cuz michael's been so fucking annoying lately...that kid has some serious pms going on...
i especially love how he gets all the attention...for example (dont bother reading any more cuz it'll be pointless) well he fell climbing a "mountain" aka a small bump in the ground that they'd like to call a hill, but instead they call it a mountain...and he has a cut on his shin, and everyone is like "aww poor michael, he's gonna have a scar for the rest of his life" well no fucking shit hes a dumbass and tripped on a rock...and now he's trying to keep the attention and limp when he walks, except the kid doesnt know how to limp, so it does nothing...i hate it.
i hate my family.
i hate life.
i hate summer.
i hate stupid people.
i hate people in general.
and i hate about everything there is on this universe.
cuz i know you cared. i could go on about what i hate. but im sure you havent even read this far...cuz i told you to stop. and if you didnt stop, then wow, i wasnt expecting it.

more rambling:
im the loner in my fam...well actually with getting used to it, but i fucking hate it.
especially with my family...but i had a nice conversation with patrick yesterday...he has quite the mouth that kid...i think im rubbing off on him..and he's a rebel like me too...he'll do stuff just to piss off his teachers and stuff...and he gets yelled at alot by my parents too...but not as much as me...cuz he's good at sucking up to them, and i just get pissed off and talk back instead of doing the whole "i love you mom" thing.

ok well no im supposed to go make dinner with my favorite brother of all time, michael...riight this is gonna be harsh.

leave a fucking comment for god's sake

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