Oh the silliness of it all.

Mar 03, 2006 18:47

Things in this world were not meant to be fair.
Things in this world were not meant to be logical.
Things in this world were not meant to be understood.

These three statements just keep me grounded and sane.

Today we had that "yay you're a potential valedictorian... now don't fuck yourself" speech during tutorial from all the counselors + Horowitz. Really the whole thing is interesting that at pretty much all other high schools in the country... #1 is valedictorian and #2 is salutorian. That's all, folks! At our high school... probably 1/3 - 1/4 of all graduating seniors are going to be valedictorians. Apparently it's due to some district board member a few years ago who got all pissy when their child didn't get high enough grades to be valedictorian so they did some combobulating and there you go.

In my opinion... it's nice to be recognized for all our toil and suffering and slaving during high school... but I don't need a label. Why? Because in the end... nobody gives a crap if you were valedictorian. 10 years from now, nobody's going to give a crap. Hell, the day after graduation I know I won't give a crap. I'll admit though that it is kinda cool to have white robes ... and if you really want to argue that all us "smart kids" who studied are getting our glory with a white robe... I think you need to be reprogrammed. It's not about the white robe. It's about the feeling you get. Sure, it's nice to know that you have worked hard... but having others recognize that for once... that's nice too. Not that I'm touting the Glory Hog... but it contributes to your self-esteem to know Hey, I did a good job.

----> moving on...

'Tis the season of college admissions... and everyone is spazzing out again. Mostly because now we find out what's going to happen to us... and our past 17 some odd years of work, pain, emotional distraughtment, sleeplessness, anxiety... etc. And of course that question... was it enough? Am I good enough?

Personally... I'm at that point where I've stopped worrying. What's there to worry about? The application's already in. There's nothing else you can do. All you can do is forge forward with no regrets. Congrats to those who got in... and to those who didn't... don't sweat it. There's always a way out. Maybe it's not the way you planned, but hey... be spontaneous. Besides, college admissions is about as sure as being struck by lightning. Sure, you can prepare - cover yourself in plate metal, carry a big pointy metal pole, and run around on the top of the hill in a thunderstorm... it certainly increases your chances of being hit by lightning... but if there are 42,000 other idiots running around trying to get hit by lighting... well tough luck. Besides, college only gets you in the door to the working world... once you're in... it doesn't matter what you've done in school... only what you can and WILL do. The real world is very different from school.

And to all you sick pretentious bastards that are running around acting like you're superior since you got accepted at ______ University... I hope you end up like the Hindenburg Zepplin *click*. That's right... I hope you float up and catch on fire. Just because you got accepted doesn't mean you're better than all the rest of us... it could just mean - hmmm, let me see... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

On a related but calmer note... so I got accepted into UCR, my backup. Happy that I'm guaranteed on going somewhere... but it really doesn't move me too much. I'm not jumping with joy or really even very excited about admissions. And I got Regent's for UCR... mrah. Once again, happy & honored that they decided to extend that to me... but I'm not like super crazy ecstatic. Believe me, my dad's totally trying to get me to go there hahaha... after all... all in-state tuition is paid for. But I have my eyes set on a shinier locale.

Now time to go party. It's Friday. Don't be a worrywart. Nobody likes to worry. And I don't know about you... but warts kinda freak me out.



1. Using FOOD names, spell out your name:
Iodized salt
Lima beans

...that was challenging.

2. What song makes you cry? eh songs don't really make me cry... they just remind me of situations that make me want to cry.

3. What do you like to listen to before bed? Will & Grace :-p

Right Now:
PANTS YOU'RE WEARING: not wearing pants... (risque i know)
WHATS ON YOUR MIND? how screwed i will be if i don't get to sleep soon
HOW ARE YOU? tired


TV SHOW: Will & Grace!!
MAGAZINE: time ---> i'm a nerd.
Love: blahahahahhaa. i love eggs. ;)
BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND: hehehe wouldn't you like to know.
CHILDREN: my favorite children??? lol I'd have to say the ones on children r skary.
BEEN IN LOVE? mrah. rather unfortunate experience but hey at least i know what it feels like, yeah?
ANY CRUSHES? currently... i need my shane west & tyson ritter boxed up to go please!!
YOUR GREATEST REGRET? i don't regret anything anymore... cuz it wouldn't get me to who i am today... and i happen to like myself.



IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? multicolored mystery crayon.

WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET? whichever one i like.

WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? hum... i don't remember.

LAST TIME YOU GOT A REAL LETTER? real as in... um... from a person? cuz technically that would be like 3 days ago... from the assistant dean of the school of business @ UCR hahaha... handwritten... how special.



LAST MOVIE YOU SAW AT THE THEATER: date movie = laaaaame.

1. What is your occupation?
student, teller, tutor... soon to be a few other things

2. What are you listening to right now?
the hum of the compooper

3. What was the last thing you ate?

4. Do you wish on stars?

5. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
christie tangggggg

6. What do you do when you're alone that you'd never do infront of someone else?

7. How old are you?
17 and 2 months and a few days.

8. Favorite drink?
ummm... depends on the weather and my mood but it'll usually be either boba, coffee, ruby red grapefruit juice, or plain ole water.

alcoholic drink?
hahahahahahahahahhahaha. i've been on a kahlua fix the last few months. but i'm sure it'll change.

9. Favorite sport to watch?
ice hockey, hands down.

10. Have you ever dyed your hair?
lol why should i need to? my hair's multicolored already.

11. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
as of like 3 weeks ago... contacts!!

12. Pets?
bird... named... Byrd.

13. Favorite month?
june or december

14. Favorite food?
this is too hard but i'll go with either steak dianne or italian!

15. What was the last movie you watched?
office space

16. Favorite day of the year?
pi day (not really, i just felt like being a nerd). 6/27's been good but i'm sure it'll get progressively worse... i dunno.

17. What do you do to vent anger?
rant // catharsize

18. What was your favorite toy as a child?
the tv hahaha

19. Fall or Spring?

20. Cherry or Blueberry?
fresh cherries but blueberry muffins

21. What is on the floor of your closet?
carpet... or junk. after all, the floor is the biggest shelf in any room.

22. Who is the friend you have had the longest?
hum. probably either marissa or adrianna... 12 years?

23. What did you do last night?

24. What inspires you?
random stuff.

25. What are you afraid of?
lots of things that won't be listed here in case you decide to freak me out.

26. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburger?

27. Favorite car?
black acura rsx type s manual tranny and my own personal HOT PINK RIMS hellz yeah.

29. Number of keys on your key ring?
2...11... 13

30. How many years at your current job?
almost 2

31. Favorite day of the week?

32. How many states have you lived in?
one. but i make it count.

33. How many cities have you lived in?
dos... mission viejo & laguna niguel
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