Very First Entry

Aug 09, 2006 17:56

OK, I've been avoiding this for a long time, now, but I figure that I ought to at least have a page. No promises on regular updates, or even whether or not this will ever get updated at all. I guess that I've always wondered whether or not I have anything useful to say. Or rather, whether or not anyone would ever be interested in what I have to say. However, for better or worse, here I am, tentatively putting my toe in the blog water. Who knows, perhaps in a few hundred years, someone, mining for fuel, will unearth these posts and marvel at primitive e-man, preserved perfectly in the e-peat. Or am I being too obscure?

Also, why is the "mood" menu so limited? I'd intended to put "ambivalent" as my current mood, but no such selection. Ah, well.
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