Exhausted doesn't even beign to explain it...

Jun 20, 2005 16:00

Ok, so I know I have been unavailable of late, but there are legitimate reasons, that have nothing to do with breaking futons (see private entry to come soon).

I am teaching two intensive summer classes. Yes, two. I know normal load is one course per session, but I need the money... car payments and books are expensive. Anyway, the classes:
One is Junior Writing and the other is an advanced seminar in Ethnic Studies.

So basically my schedule looks like this:

Monday : 7:00 Wake up & shower, eat, head to school, 9:00 class prep, teach 10-12, 12-1 lunch/office hour, head home for more grading and class prep for the rest of week

Tuesday: 7:00 Wake up & shower, eat, head to school, 9:00 class prep, teach 10-12, 12-1 lunch/office hour, 1-2 class prep, 2-4:30 Teach, 5 home, eat, grade, prep and repeat

Wednesday: 7:00 Wake up & shower, eat, head to school, 9:00 class prep, teach 10-12, 12-1 lunch/office hour, 1-2 class prep, 2-4:30 Teach, 5 home, eat, grade, prep and repeat

Thursday:7:00 Wake up & shower, eat, head to school, 9:00 class prep, teach 10-12, 12-1 lunch/office hour, 1-2 class prep, 2-4:30 Teach, 5 home, eat, grade, prep and breathe

Friday: Sleep, recoop, sleep some more, chill out, answer student emails, help students with draft revisions and interpretations via email. Sleep, read books that I am teaching the following week

Needless to say, I think it is understandable that I spend Friday as a recoup day and Sat and Sun I try to see the important folks. I am barely fighting off getting sick, let alone a breakdown. And I need folks to be understanding of my situation the way I try to be of theirs.

Students: the weekend is mine. I know you have papers due mondays and I try to answer your questions as often as I can, but when each student is emailing me several times a weekend my time to myself gets severely eaten into.
Friends: I know my hangout/respond to email/phone calls time is limited, and needs to be split several ways, namely between my Honey, Dory, Ellie and alone time (which has become evermore necessary as the stress increases!), but its only two more weeks! Then all thats on the agenda for the rest of the summer is finishing my dissertation prospectus, argh! Ok, lets not think about that. Lets focus on there only being two weeks of teaching left. Lets all take a deep breath and try to make it through with as relatively few scars as possible.
K thanx!

(This entry is directed as much at me as at anyone else, we all need reminders. They are signs of love! I need to remember that I am over-extended as it is and not expect more from me than is reasonable. I am only human afterall. Pilika says, "Damned Humans!")
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