Okay, well, it's been a while since I've done one of these.
It's either one (Criminal Minds, NCIS, NCIS:LA, CSI:NY) or several (Supernatural) weeks into the season, and I'm finally caught up (at least for this week) on all the shows currently in production that I watch, so no one can spoil me, damnit! As
fluffnutter would say, (since I don't think she's caught up on everything yet), NOT ONE WORD. Except, WORD! And SQUEE!, since I'm caught up.
As for what I'm working on...
I love Tony so so hard. The only issues I have with the episode is there is not enough time between the gunshot that killed the guard and Gibbs' arrival at the other end of the hallway for him to have actually, you know, GOTTEN there without the Starship Enterprise, an Asgard ship, or (fill in your speedster/teleporting superhero of choice here) to get him there. Although it's forgivable, since you can just say we're not seeing the whole run through the gunfight thing, so it actually, you know, takes longer than the show has. (But yes, that last five minutes, particularly Tony's "I'm the wildcard" speech, is a scene I've watched two BILLION TIMES.) AND WHERE'S ABBY'S SPIDER TATTOO?! It's NOT THERE. I checked. I watched the huggy scene at the end enough to NOT SEE IT.
I'm working on chapter five of No Good Scheme Goes Unpunished, or When Sporks Fly. That is, I have Gibbs ranting in the elevator at me. Or, you know, the three idiots who locked him in the closet with Tony. Or something. Warning: There will not be answers on this one, folks.
Liked it, the hook's in but not set. I love COD, so I'll keep watching until the characters actually...you know, define themselves for me, except OMG, HEDDY! I love you! If Heddy isn't the RL Edna Mode, I don't know who is! ::sweeps Heddy up in her arms and twirls her around like a mad mad twirling thing:: I'll watch the show just for her. Damnit. HAH!
No fic ideas. (Yet.) I'm waiting on a Heddy-as-yenta one, but I haven't seen enough to figure out who gets yenta'ed.
Somehow I missed the season finale from LAST season, so I was a little lost, but still. I didn't like the cheap copout at the end. I'm not going to get into the whole able!fail wank storm from it though.
I think this is the only show I watch and don't actually write for (yet). But I still have that post-Snowday plotbunny running around somewhere.
OMGOMGOMGOMG! Does Castiel ROCK or what?! I watched his big fight scene in the opener two billion times. Todd, move over. Sorry! You've been upstaged.
S5x02 totally Jossed one of my "5 ways Dean got out of the Deal" ideas, but that was way back when, so it doesn't matter. I'm glad the amulet's getting some use. S5x03 squicked me out a dozen different ways, but it was awesome for the following reasons:
1) Raphael as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel.
2) Castiel admiting he's a virgin. Hee!
3) Raphael going the place my brain originally went in 5x01 - Lucifer raising Castiel from the dead, not God, was my first thought.
4) Dean's calling Raphael out just before chickening out and blaming it all on Castiel.
5) Dean comparing God to John Winchester (in the big scene with Raphael - the one in the car with Castiel, not so much). Did anyone else see it? Did you? If not, WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM?!::hides::
6) Two lines:
"I will find you."
"Maybe one day, but today, you're my little bitch."(The "What he said" didn't have enough oomph to it for my taste, but it fit.)
As for writing...Its Simplest Definition has a point now. And a plot. And a showdown between Castiel and God that I am just itching to write. Dear God - no, wait, I can't say that, can I? Anyways. Castiel is like, the baddest badass around. Or something. (He and Ronon should do tea sometime. Not kidding. So not kidding.)
I have a very...strange Supernatural RPS AU Jared/Jensen/Castiel plotbunny running around in my head. YES you read that correctly. Jared/Jensen/Castiel. RPS. AU. Duh. Let me go find some brain bleach, because Tadd squicked me out with that one. I may have to write it just to get rid of it.
Salt!verse and Bloody Bandaids are still on hiatus.
Criminal Minds
The season opener was...um. Well, I liked it, mostly, when it didn't squick me out (the whole rape/stabby/whatever scene I couldn't watch because of very triggery personal issues). Oddly enough, though, my feelings about the ending were entirely opposite of
matociquala's - Emily and JJ were fine. Rossi, on the other hand, read flat. Flatter than a pancake. Flatter than Jeffrey Sinclair in B5, and that's saying something. Flatter than Kansas. Flatter than a very very...flat thing. I don't know. I liked the whole 'Your team did what no other team blah blah yada yada' I could see coming it from a mile a way speech, but everything after that - Hotch excluded - read flat and dead as a doornail. Rossi, in that moment, for me, you sucked.
This is (for a variety of reasons, obviously) not a top-ten episode for me. It's probably a bottom-ten episode for me. Although I did like the little bit of Morgan/Garcia banter.
fluffnutter kindly gave me a Morgan/Reid RoK prompt for my birthday (which was the 6th of this month, for those who were wondering), which I am going to try to use to write what looks like will probably be my last installment in the Of Innocence & Empathy universe. Unfortunately, the show, while still having my attention, doesn't have the same kind of...hold? on me that it used to, and...I don't know if it's the character, or the actor (I haven't seen Joe in anything else that I'm aware of), but Rossi seems to suck the emotional connection I had right out of the show. I don't have any other explanation - I never felt like Gideon needed replacing, as I had plotbunnies coming out my ears for the few episodes between Gideon and Rossi, and I've more or less lived in a fic dead-zone since Rossi joined the team.
Literally, the only scene I've actually liked him in is the one where he and Hotch roleplay being a gay man at the gas station, and that's only because I would have rather have had Morgan do it, but I knew he'd have something of a minor (or major) mental breakdown in the process due to his own issues. Rossi does not do a damn thing for me. Not only that, he subtracts from the rest of the show.
Criminal Minds is a dying, if not dead, ficdom for me. Sorry, folks.
For those of you who've been patiently waiting to read about the various mysteries in Of Innocence & Empathy, I still have those answers. Would you care for at least a dry filling in of gaps? I can probably write a big spoiler post of those and put it behind a cut, in case I ever do get the writing bug for CM again and come back and do it justice.
Huh. Maybe I'll go back and write a version of that scene and have Morgan do the roleplaying with Hotch instead of Rossi. It might be interesting to see where it goes.
Babylon 5
That Even Death May Cross has somehow gone from a love story to...something a lot more complicated. Right now I'm juggling three major storylines that are so intertwined I can't leave any of them out.::sigh:: I am so far behind on this for my scifibigbang it's not funny anymore.
Sky High
I have a sequel planned for Just Another Surge Protector, but it's mostly world-buildy stuff. Like, why Warren's dad went nuts, and why Commander and Jetstream are partners (very related issues that have nothing to do with any of them wanting anyone else's spouse). Um. I wish I had some plot to go with all this? Other than Will being all cute and not caring that his mom's watching him cuddle with Warren even though Warren's completely mortified at it...and um. yeah.
Stargate: Atlantis
Still working on Where We Live and Rose!verse and Somewhere to Call Home.
I...think that's about all I'm working on, going to work on, trying to work on, or was working on.
So. Yeah.