Jan 17, 2008 13:05
I pointed out kind of offhandedly that having separate World of... notes and Timeline/Table of Contents posts was a pain in the ass, update-wise.
Mind you, I think both of these posts are incredibly important - the timeline more for the readers, and the World of... notes for me.
Plus, I like to see the order in which I wrote the stories without having to page through my LJ. Sorting the OI&E directory on my laptop doesn't work because I tweak stuff on my hard drive all the time.
Unfortunately, I don't know what to do about this. So I'm asking your opinions and suggestions.
Should I combine the two? Put in another column with the # written as in the timeline table and do away with the side-by-side tables in the World of... notes? Just stop updating the World of... notes? Stick the notes on top of the timeline and call it done?
Mind you, I wouldn't delete the World of... post, just lock it. But that would mean you guys can't go look at it in the future, and that would be...uh. Bad?
Titles. As in, I have tons for Morgan, and slightly fewer for Reid, and handfuls for everyone else.
So I'm asking for suggestions. Particularly for:
Haley (either protective or generous, or derivations thereof)
Emily (earnest or resourceful)
JJ (adaptable or compassionate)
I'd ask for Garcia, too, but I don't have much planned from her POV.
Ok, so I have problems titling stories from the girls' points of view.
Why me.
Is it bad that I have an Excel workbook for OI&E? With four pages so far?
That does not include the World of... notes?
My muse hates me.
I've had a half dozen stories going through my brain for the last few days, but when I sit down to write, they all go away.::sigh::
state of oi&e