Title: Earnest Victory Series: Of Innocence and Empathy Author: Frogg Beta: Adam and Nilandia Rating: FRT-13 Disclaimer: I don't own them. Damnit. Author's Note: Occurs shortly after Earnest Truth
Poor Emily, we never have seen her cry, have we? Always feeling like she's on the outside looking in when she doesn't have to be. And I've said it before, but I love YOUR Haley. She really is a part of the team, huh? I really enjoyed this chapter - I think Emily's met her match.
Nope, we haven't seen her cry. We've seen pretty much everyone ELSE cry, but not her.
This is another chapter at least partly brought to you by matociquala, for a variety of reasons.
You know, I didn't like Haley a whole lot when I first started watching. Then I'm like...hmm. I wonder what she's like when she's not on screen. Then I started writing her in OI&E and well...
Aw. Poor Emily, feeling like an outsider (and an incompetent one at that). Hopefully she'll feel more sure of herself after this.
I really like the way you write Emily, because it seems so spot on.
Also, I'm curious. What was Emily's original trauma that Haley was referring to? And which 'her' is it that Emily wants to ask out? Why is it that every fic you post seems to make even more mysteries than it solves? (Not that I'm complaining.)
The team's working on helping Emily feel like part of the family. Really, they are. Emily's just really hard to get through to sometimes. Sometimes more than sometimes.
Thank you! She seems to have taken over my brain lately.
To answer your questions:
1) What was Emily's original trauma that Haley was referring to?
Muahahaha! I know. I think. But you'll have to wait and find out, just like everyone else (including the rest of the team).
2) And which 'her' is it that Emily wants to ask out?
DINGDINGDING! You got the question I was waiting for (but not the comment). Er. Sorry. Reference to a discussion in comments on World Like Sunlight.
There's a few hints in the rest of the series, but I'm going to go with the cop-out answer of 'wait and see' again.
3) Why is it that every fic you post seems to make even more mysteries than it solves?Because it's fun?::hides
( ... )
You know, I'd thought about that, but given what other developments are going on with the whole Emily-trauma YASP (Yet Another Sub-Plot), having Emily and Haley dating was just a tad incestuous (at least in my mind).
Plus, the third-to-last paragraph doesn't really...well...
Ok, maybe.
::mutters and wanders off to scrub her brain out with steel wool::
Comments 15
And I loved the scene with Morgan sitting against Reid's legs whilst reading to Jack. Adorable.
Thanks. I like that image too. There was some other stuff that was supposed to be in here that wasn't...::grumbles::
This is another chapter at least partly brought to you by matociquala, for a variety of reasons.
You know, I didn't like Haley a whole lot when I first started watching. Then I'm like...hmm. I wonder what she's like when she's not on screen. Then I started writing her in OI&E and well...
We'll see what happens.
i like the way you wrote this it was just right.
You know, I've been thinking about it off and on since I finished. And I think this particular chapter is my favorite.
Out of all of them.
Its really good. Thanks
I really like the way you write Emily, because it seems so spot on.
Also, I'm curious. What was Emily's original trauma that Haley was referring to? And which 'her' is it that Emily wants to ask out? Why is it that every fic you post seems to make even more mysteries than it solves? (Not that I'm complaining.)
Thank you! She seems to have taken over my brain lately.
To answer your questions:
1) What was Emily's original trauma that Haley was referring to?
Muahahaha! I know. I think. But you'll have to wait and find out, just like everyone else (including the rest of the team).
2) And which 'her' is it that Emily wants to ask out?
DINGDINGDING! You got the question I was waiting for (but not the comment). Er. Sorry. Reference to a discussion in comments on World Like Sunlight.
There's a few hints in the rest of the series, but I'm going to go with the cop-out answer of 'wait and see' again.
3) Why is it that every fic you post seems to make even more mysteries than it solves?Because it's fun?::hides ( ... )
You know, I'd thought about that, but given what other developments are going on with the whole Emily-trauma YASP (Yet Another Sub-Plot), having Emily and Haley dating was just a tad incestuous (at least in my mind).
Plus, the third-to-last paragraph doesn't really...well...
Ok, maybe.
::mutters and wanders off to scrub her brain out with steel wool::
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